Popular Games you haven't played!


Pro Coolman
You know that moment when somebody is talking to you about a really popular game,and the you say "Ummm...I never played that game." And then everyone freaks out? Well yeah that's me all the time...So the popular game i haven't played is all Metroid games,except Zero Mission...And there's still quite more. So how about you?
Here are the series I never played. Make sure you don't freak out. :)
  • Smash
  • Metroid
  • Sonic
  • Paper Mario
  • Animal Crossing
Most of these series are out of my interest. So even if they are good, there is little chance I will ever play them.
Call of Duty. Not really interested in it, either; it's a rare moment for any FPS to excite me in any way, and even then, there needs to be something to make it stand out from the crowd.

I also only ever played one Metal Gear game (Metal Gear Solid 1)...and I didn't even beat it due to fears of my particular copy breaking down at any moment. Thing is, I have been interested for quite some time.

Overwatch is something I'd like to play...but it seems it's online only, which unfortunately hurts my chances of playing the game.

Can't think of anything else right off the bat.
Call of Duty. Not really interested in it, either; it's a rare moment for any FPS to excite me in any way, and even then, there needs to be something to make it stand out from the crowd.

I also only ever played one Metal Gear game (Metal Gear Solid 1)...and I didn't even beat it due to fears of my particular copy breaking down at any moment. Thing is, I have been interested for quite some time.

Overwatch is something I'd like to play...but it seems it's online only, which unfortunately hurts my chances of playing the game.

Can't think of anything else right off the bat.
team based fps arent my cup of tea. i tried to break the ice with rainbow six siege, and i got a survival horror game disguised as a tactical shooter. in fact, i never get games when they're new, i always wait for the prices to drop.
I really want to get the into the new Tales of Series games, hopefully if I get a PS4 I'm able to try them out.
I never heard anyone use the term "I'm gonna dip my feet in this" as a way to say they want to try something.
I generally don't make my own idioms.

Anyway I'll probably check out Undertale once people stop caring about it and who knows when that'll be depending on whether the game truly is the time transcending masterpiece people make it out to be or if it's just a fad.
I generally don't make my own idioms.

Anyway I'll probably check out Undertale once people stop caring about it and who knows when that'll be depending on whether the game truly is the time transcending masterpiece people make it out to be or if it's just a fad.
solo developed indie games are definitely a fad, but thats not to say they arent great games, for example cave story.
  • Agree
Reactions: Rei
im going to play through a link to the past so i have a chance against zelda parallel worlds.

with my skills, im going to get stuck before i even get the master sword in the original game, let alone the from software edition.
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