Interesting dreams you’ve had

Just a Wario Fan

The ίςε cream aficionado
Do you have some interesting dreams (video game related or not) that would make a nice anecdote? (Please share your Wario-related dreams in the thread dedicated to them.) While I don’t remember many of my dreams, those that I do remember tend to recur a lot. A few examples of recurring themes in my dreams are

  • Tornadoes
Although serious tornadoes don’t occur where I live and I have only seen a single waterspout at sea once, tornadoes do have a strange tendency to show up in my dreams every now and then. But as with most things that appear in dreams, they are a far cry from real-life tornadoes: Instead of moving fast, those in my dreams are mostly static and harmless. Once I even dreamt of being suck up by one and having survived it. Recently, I experienced this type of dream more than before, which might be because of a video of a giant yet relatively weak whirlwind that occured not too far from my town.

  • Extraterrestrials :orbulon:
Another staple of my dreams are UFOs and Extraterrestrials, although the extraterrestrials never directly show themselves. But unlike the tornadoes I dream about, these aliens and their UFOs do seem to be hostile.

  • ¨Bizarchitecture¨
Architecture that’s just plain weird and may not even be able to build in real life. Common constructions are:

  • Giant towers with equally large rooms inside, entirely made of bricks, despite the fact that such a tower if it were built IRL would quickly become so heavy that the walls on the lower floors would take up the majority of the surface. May be because of the Butter Building from Kirby’s Adventure, which is essentially such a building.
  • Pipe organs so large that one came become lost in its pipe chambers.
    Most likely because of an online documentary about the largest organ in the world that I once watched, in which they made a trip through the organ and had little baseboards along the narrow corridors in order not to damage the smallest pipes. I’m a bit of an organ enthusiast after all.
  • Very tall power pylons. The most realistic one so far, as power pylons do get very large. I have a fascination for electricity, which is also which I graduated on, and continue to study it, so dreaming about it every now and then is not that surprising.

...But that's just about my dreams. How about yours?
About a couple nights ago, I had one where I was playing Smash Bros with a few dudes, and I wanted to kick their butts as my OC Eliso, so I modded her in, (in real life I dunno how to mod anything or make 3D graphic models) and she worked. One of the dudes was so impressed and he wanted me to mod another character in. I modded my other OC Demetria in. She worked too. Then I decided to mod again, this time with my other OC Cinnamon, who... didn't work.
I had a pretty cool ass dream where I caught fire and it just didn't hurt me.
I decided to use this to mess with people (it wouldn't spread it just burnt whatever I touched).
Using this "power" I made tacos on my arms and walked on water somehow (it made sense in my dream, fire = steam = walk on water duh idiot) then proceeded to mess around for a week.

cool stuff
I had a pretty cool ass dream where I caught fire and it just didn't hurt me.
I decided to use this to mess with people (it wouldn't spread it just burnt whatever I touched).
Using this "power" I made tacos on my arms and walked on water somehow (it made sense in my dream, fire = steam = walk on water duh idiot) then proceeded to mess around for a week.

cool stuff

Then you are even more fire-resistant than Wario. :)
Last night I had a funny dream that involved toilets. In my dream I was desperately in need of a fap, but couldn't find a place to do it. Suddenly I entered a restroom that turned out to be one giant maze, and I either walked into dead corridors, urinals, or toilets that were placed in groups in large irregular rooms with no privacy at all. (another piece of bizarchitecture that pops up in my dreams every so often.) I walked out of the building from fustration, and saw a building that was nothing more than a small concrete outhouse, but it was much larger on the inside. But that didn't solve my problem at all, as I somehow ended up sitting next to a middle-aged man with only a small run-down wooden panel in between us, and a large mirror on the wall in front of us. It was one of the most awkward and ridiculous dreams I've ever had.
This morning I had a dream about a Harry Potter continuation that didn't suck ass. I'll write about it later, though, I'm too hungry to think properly.

Edit: I'll keep it brief (especially seeing as how it isn't all that complex, nor do I remember much). Well, kind of brief. You know me.
Lupin isn't dead, for starters, but his wife isn't Tonks, it was some blonde chick. They had two children, both of whom were also blonde. Something involving time travel and the children's grandfather (who looked like Professor Pickle from Sonic Unleashed but less cartoony) caused Lupin to start changing despite it being daytime, whilst in the middle of having sex, inconveniently. So, dude (surprisingly calmly) ushers the wife, who had great tits btw, out the window despite looking like the Wikipedia image for Fenrir son of Loki from the neck up. Uhh so the adventure begins, I guess. For whatever reason the house they were living in was one of those pastel yellow houses with shingles resting off the side of that rocky bluff from that one part of Half-Life 2 where you're driving along. Anyways, fast forward to Frisk Undertale, whom along with Asriel now replaced one of the blonde children, dressed in the traditional robe, with a Hufflepuff scarf, doing some snooping in what was a cross between the library from Prince of Persia Sands of Time with the museum from that one Garfield book with the mummy in it. After he suggests they split up and go off with Chara, who was now there, I guess to fill out the whole trio thing, Frisk overhears this plan from their grandfather, who, cut to establishing shot of the large room, with its checker-patterned floors and tall stone columns, is conspiring with some bitchass whose face was obscured with some black cloak-hood thing to get the Chaos Emeralds. Apparently this was the moment before the Lupin thing, because the grandfather proceeded to use the gold and white emeralds to activate a portal and lean through it. The other end of the portal was suspended just below Lupin's bedroom ceiling, I forgot to mention, but this time around we only saw this end of it. This is one of only a few times where a dream has tied up one of its own loose ends. I think my brain has realized it likes coherent plots and has started trying to create more of those types of dreams, to my delight.

So yeah. Sex, werewolves, Undertale, time-travelling Professor Pickle grandfathers, Chaos Emeralds, large checker-patterned floors, establishing shots and all-around good cinematography, good acting, dialogue that I remember being good but don't actually remember-- oh yeah, Lupin sounded like Liam Neeson when he had the shaggy-ass wolf head, for some reason-- great environments. Despite its unorthodoxy, I still would've liked to get to watch the whole thing. Can't have been worse than the Cursed Child.
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Had a doozy a couple days back
I woke up and my house was empty. I walk outside in just a robe because I think no one is around. I'm right since outside the house is grassy field as far as the eyes can see. I grab a vacuum on the porch to do... Something? I walk it the the backyard and notice a small podium like table and it's got what looks like a power pellets on it. So I drop the vacuum to eat the power pellets then I start floating up. I just keep floating forever and after awhile I hit the stratosphere but it's not cold. Then I make it to space after awhile and it's still not cold nor is my breathing affected. The sun gets bigger as soon as I leave the atmosphere and I'm just sorta meandering in space towards the sun. Once I'm right above I sink like a rock to it's surface, the fire doesn't hurt and there's apparently a rocky surface. I walk around and see a cave. I dive Right in and find a Yoshi egg. I grab it and keep going. I came to a wall so I threw the egg at the wall smashing the wall and the egg. A Yoshi walks to me from the egg buts it's like a cyan Yoshi and it burbs in my face waking me up.
The dream spirits were high that night
Posting again so soon makes me look like those basic girls who obsess over dreams but anyways
I was 18 in my dream and it seemed like a normal nothing out of the ordinary and I'm having a phone call with my dad and he mentions me being in juvie at one point and I'm hit with memory pops of being locked up for the past 8 years and all those memories i made were just how i coped and after really thinking about it everything added up and it all seemed so real like my life as I knew it came crashing down. I woke up when the anxiety hit to hard.
That'll be the last time I eat onion rings before bed :stalepopcorn:
Posting again so soon makes me look like those basic girls who obsess over dreams but anyways
I was 18 in my dream and it seemed like a normal nothing out of the ordinary and I'm having a phone call with my dad and he mentions me being in juvie at one point and I'm hit with memory pops of being locked up for the past 8 years and all those memories i made were just how i coped and after really thinking about it everything added up and it all seemed so real like my life as I knew it came crashing down. I woke up when the anxiety hit to hard.
That'll be the last time I eat onion rings before bed :stalepopcorn:
Wario Forums is all too real
i dreamed new super mario bros wii came on pc and it was like, mostly the same, but for some reason the credits and main menu were a flyby of this gritty cyberpunk city

also i googled because the port introduced a new gameplay mechanic where you needed to stop social unrest by preventing events like ethnic cleansing and "false feminism". my dreams suck (do not ask me what false feminism is)
i dreamed new super mario bros wii came on pc and it was like, mostly the same, but for some reason the credits and main menu were a flyby of this gritty cyberpunk city

also i googled because the port introduced a new gameplay mechanic where you needed to stop social unrest by preventing events like ethnic cleansing and "false feminism". my dreams suck (do not ask me what false feminism is)


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Had one in 2017.

I was in my middle school building, with an Invader Zim plushie. Some boy took it from me so I chased him down the hallway. Then we stopped running and the boy ripped the plushie's head off. I said "YOU MURDERER!" to him for that.
Recently I had a dream that I used to have before on multiple occasions, but not recently anymore. Or so I thought.
I dreamt that I was on an island covered with grass and a myriad of bright red flowers and the occasional low tree. The weather was comfortably warm, and there was some girl walking next to me. I don’t know who she was, nor where we were heading to.
Recently I had a dream that I used to have before on multiple occasions, but not recently anymore. Or so I thought.
I dreamt that I was on an island covered with grass and a myriad of bright red flowers and the occasional low tree. The weather was comfortably warm, and there was some girl walking next to me. I don’t know who she was, nor where we were heading to.

Haha, but no, it wasn't Palm Tree Paradise. It was an island in a temporate or subantarctic climate. I think my dream was ¨inspired¨ by the islands south of mainland NZ, where I did research on a few years back for an essay project. Those islands do have small trees a lot of wonderful brightly coloured flowers, but aren't exactly what you'd call comfortably warm.
Recently I had a dream that I used to have before on multiple occasions, but not recently anymore. Or so I thought.
I dreamt that I was on an island covered with grass and a myriad of bright red flowers and the occasional low tree. The weather was comfortably warm, and there was some girl walking next to me. I don’t know who she was, nor where we were heading to.
Well gee ain't that romantic
After I went back to sleep after going to the bathroom, I had one where I was at this event thing with a bunch of kids around my age. A lot of the kids and I were bunched up in this tent that had tables with bowls of candy. Lots of candy. Of course, we were in there for candy, and we were kinda fighting over it. I got pretty much candy and left the tent. There was another tent I saw and went into. Inside there was someone offering Monster High doll body parts that can make more than one whole body. I took all of them. I was about to go back inside the candy tent for more candy, but there was this shapeshifting cat who just noticed me, and his voice was... well, he sounded suave, but also like he'd "scare" a kid. But not in any certain naughty ways. In a way that'll make someone wanna keep him from seeing things of theirs such as toys or a phone, I guess. Or if they're stuck in 2017, fidget spinners. I didn't get my extra candy because I was afraid he was going to take away my doll body parts. While I was scared, I ran home with the parts and the candy I already had.
I had a dream that I was in London for some reason and I ended up witnessing a space rocket launch somehow. I went to an "airport" that didn't really look like an airport it looked more like a school and there was Garfield memorabilia everywhere.
Haha, but no, it wasn't Palm Tree Paradise. It was an island in a temporate or subantarctic climate. I think my dream was ¨inspired¨ by the islands south of mainland NZ, where I did research on a few years back for an essay project. Those islands do have small trees a lot of wonderful brightly coloured flowers, but aren't exactly what you'd call comfortably warm.