Minor Characters that need to appear more often


Some random guy online
We all know the main Ware crew, but we had a few characters trought the series that never really made it out of the minor character status and in some cases, dissapeared completely.
The question is: are there any minors that you would like to see again/more often?
I have a few:

Jimmy's family

Twisted introduced us to Jimmy's parents, while Touched brought his siblings into the mix, after that however all of them just vanished never to be seen, or even mentioned again.
I think it would be neat to see them again, considering that they are the only full family in the series so far and hey, the remix stages still need hosts, so who knows...

Sal Out

Mainly because I really like her Game & Wario look and having her sing the the stage song like in Twisted again, would be a neat little trowback.


He has a cool design and I would love to see another Kat & Ana story with the same style and tone of the Mega Microgame$ one again.
His return would be a good cause to make that happen.
-The crazy animals from Mona's moped. They could easily create many funny situations.

-Jimmy P. He looks pretty cool; learning more about him would surely be interesting.

-(insert name player here). What do I mean? Your name being randomly used for characters that interact with the cast, such as the merman DriSpitz helped, and the prince Kat saved (both in the first game).
If you want my complete, honest opinion, all of the WarioWare characters are at best minor outside of their home series. I'd like to see them branch out, whether it be a Wario platformer, or a Mario spinoff. K. Rool and Funky Kong got to appear in a few, why not at least put Ashley, Kat, Ana and/or 9-volt in there?

Within the series, yeah, where did Jimmy's family go? They were amusing.
Pretty much every minor character from Touched.




Seriously what's with Nintendo introducing new characters into a franchise, and then never using them again?????

Oh yeah, Sal Out & Boneheads would also be awesome to see again. though i'm not sure how boneheads would fit in the current games, because like Mona, Kat and Ana became pretty different characters after thier debut Oh yeah & how the hell didn't the Mushroom Kingdom know about his attack on the Palace?
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Sal Out

We need her to sing more Mona songs during gameplay, Mona's Pizza in Twisted was great and we need more of that.

Jamie and James

Why not? don't bring them in then not use them like you guys said earlier. Plus more family members for Jimmy T. is always awesome.