What character has the best storys?


Some random guy online
By that I mean what character has the most consitend resume of good storys in your opinion?

For me it's definentally 9-Volt.
When I first got to his stage I was instantly hooked on the Nintendo kid, it helps that I was seven years old back then, which I always assumed is around his age.

While he didn't have much of a story in the first game he sure did in Twisted.
Here we first meet 18-Volt who is a fun character himself and the moment where 9-Volt cheers him up and invites him to come to his home still stands out as the nicest little moment in the series to me.
I also love how the integrated the microgames into the story: the Volts are playing on the Nes so all of the microgames are based of Nes games, just a really nice detail.
Since then the Volts have been together in every story(sans the Diy games) they have appeared in and quite frankly their friendship easily feels like the most genuine one in the entire cast.

We saw how they met (Twisted), they hang out together (Touched and Game & Wario), got into a fight (Smooth Moves) and even had a short lived rivalry (the diy games).

But despite the latter two they are still best friends who share the same Nintendo fanboyism that I have and that makes them and their storys awesome to me.
My favorite stories are Wario's, for two reasons:

a) His ideas get the whole plot going, and get everyone else to make cool new microgames.
b) It always ends up in hilarious stuff. ^_^

Other than that, I enjoy them all, but have a thing for Dribble and Spitz because traveling around is cool, and I also like Mona's stories because she does so many interesting things and there's always something crazy and ridiculous involved.