Which one of Mona's jobs comes into your mind first, whenever she is the subject?


Some random guy online
Mona has had a lot of different occupations trought the series, but which one do you think of first, when Mona is the subject.

Personally I still think of her job at the Gelateria from Mega Micro Game$ (aka Minigama Mania) first, even thought she has had many others since then and Mona Pizza is referenced far more often. I think a lot of that has to do with me getting into the series when the first game was still new, so her appearence in that game still kinda sticks me with me as the main one when I think of Mona, even thought she has since then aquired the habbit of changing jobs on a regular basis.
Mona pizza, actually like the song from Twisted itself, is the first time I had ever seen Mona : p I really liked it a bunch at the time. And I later found out she was a bassist in one game, and I was shown a picture of her with her bass guitar, and I actually thought she had a way awesome bass guitar, haha : p Ive watched the minigame of her and her band like too many times, now : p

I sometimes remember Mona pizza, mostly just because of the cute song in Twisted : p But I usually almost always imagine her from Touched with her bass guitar : p Its way cool.
I'm just like MonaWare! Whenever Mona is mentioned, I think of Mona Pizza and her as a bassist.

(basically, WarioWare: Touched! Mona is the Mona I think of her as)
Mona Pizza sounds as catchy as the song, but to me the concept of mona having different jobs comes first like on its own? putting the two together I always imagine her in some sort of fast food place being late to deliver stuff, heh