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Many years ago, I wrote an article on Gaming Reinvented lamenting how the Wario series didn't really have much of an online presence. In that article, I noted how communities specifically for the Wario Land and WarioWare games were few and far between, and wondered if the format of the series made it less likely to get consistent fan attention than something like Mario, Zelda or Pokemon.

Note: I actually had to retrieve this from the Internet Archive, since I forgot to bring it to the new GR site. Doh!

This was in turn one of the big reasons I made Wario Forums, since I thought we could turn things around by having a consistent community to discuss these topics rather than an assortment of short lived ones that lived and died in weeks.

And it seems like it's worked. Since then, I've not only seen this place do well, but lots of Discord communities like Studio21 and the WarioWare Cult are drawing in serious numbers too, and there's demand for a new Wario Land game every week on social media, with lots of discussion and artwork being posted there as well.

So what do you think? Has the Wario series finally gotten its dedicated online fanbase?
Making this topic while this place is once again dead as ever gave me a good laugh.

That being said, I definitely do agree that there's renewed interest in the Wario games though I wouldn't quite call it a "community" as these feel like pockets of people scattered throughout the internet.
Making this topic while this place is once again dead as ever gave me a good laugh.

That being said, I definitely do agree that there's renewed interest in the Wario games though I wouldn't quite call it a "community" as these feel like pockets of people scattered throughout the internet.

I mean, the activity of this place feels more like a reflection of the state of internet forums right now than the Wario community in particular.

And true, they're definitely a lot more seperated than I'd have expected. Wish they'd use the same communities a bit more (like this one)
I think those are all great points, particularly about the state of internet forums such as these, it really is crazy to see how the internet has changed in these recent years. These places are much more customizable and cool. I have actually been surprised by the amount of WarioWare YouTubers I have seen, people who are as dedicated to the games as I am. I love it. Seems like the newest game is doing pretty good with the amount of exposure too. This community is awesome and I agree that it remains that way even if in small pockets.