Wario Forums

Boris Carloft's Car Loft
Boris Carloft's Car Loft
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Everything, as always. I'm tired of not being able to land a hit and end up 5 seconds into de match with 200% damage trying to get back on the stage... It's just not fun anymore... :(
Boris Carloft's Car Loft
Boris Carloft's Car Loft
I know what you mean... That's why I stopped playing it for a while. Playing it makes me feel like crap.
King Hehehe
King Hehehe
I mean, if you're living past 200%, that's actually impressive. But yeah, I get what you're saying. I don't really play much anymore besides with friends just because there's so many design choices that I utterly detest.
200% with Bowser, but that was just a hyperbole to pronounce my frustration...