Wario Forums

Congrats! =D That's an achievement!
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Thank you! I have never promoted donations on my channel, I don't think it's cool to push people to give their money, the only thing I do is ask for people to share the videos, which is the best way to support, in my oppinion.
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Yeah. I don't even promote my videos that often. =P There's a few reasons why,1.Other people who do youtube for a job should deserve it more than I do. 2.I don't want too much attention,then I'll be more noticed and people will try to put me down,and pressure me for more content. Though I understand why that's the best option,you'll probably get the most people just by promoting.
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First reason is not a good reason. I agree some people deserve way more attention for their work, but you deserve it too! You're having fun doing what you're doing, then why shouldn't you get friends around to share the fun with? However, I can understand the second reason, that is why bigger youtubers don't answer their comments and go for an overall oppinion.
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Hm,I guess your right. The second reason is really the big one for me. I dunno,It's probably just lack of self-confidence and the like. =/ I don't want to dig too deep into because that's something that goes on for ages. But I can see where your coming from.
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That second reason is really understandable, trust me. You don't want to get to a point where you're pleasing the audience, instead of having fun!
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