Wario Forums

Also, I went for the new hairstyle, with only one ponytail on the side. I hope you like it!
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Dangerous Duck
Dangerous Duck
Nice! Blue's a sweet character. You're really bringing her to life more and more. If she's ever a Mugen fighter maybe her hair could change with different moves/attacks (a hairstyle shapeshifter!)
Would subscribe if I were on twitter : p
@Angler of Lake Asparagus : I really want to make her part of the BlueJackG. Before it was just a guy named Jack with a cute mascot, but that's not what I wanted. And for the idea as a Mugen fighter, that could be interesting! Though there's two other things she can be based on: electricity + speed, and alien tech. There's plenty to go around! :)
@MonaWare : Ahah! I would use the term "Follow" on twitter! :P But if Blue convinced you, I'm glad! :D
Dangerous Duck
Dangerous Duck
It sounds like you're building your own entertainment production company, brick by brick!
So Blue will be the totem of your future empire, BlueJackGeneration?
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Haha, that's an interesting way to describe it! xD
But my real dream for the BlueJackG was to be an entertainment group. Though the main objective was to help people... sadly, I can bearly help myself....
Dangerous Duck
Dangerous Duck
That sounds like me. I've wanted to be an independent entertainment producer since I was a kid, but I'm like a bird with a broken wing, trying to take off. Whenever it looks like I'll finally make some progress, I fall out of the sky and crash back down to phase 1.
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Sometimes, good intentions are just that: intentions. And we know that try, give it all, with all our heart, but it's just never enough... I wish I was like Wario, sometimes. Just not caring about anyone but myself.
Dangerous Duck
Dangerous Duck
Wario's always been one of my biggest idols for going after dreams. I choose to be optimistic and renew my hopes and battleplans. Life might get hard, but like Wario we have unlimited continues in hunting down what we seek. The question is are we thirsty enough?
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Good point. That's why I want to give life to Blue. If people really like her, she might be the way to make my dreams come true! What about you? What are your objectives now?
Dangerous Duck
Dangerous Duck
Oh boy.... tough question. I've got a LOT of objectives/goals.
The best way to organise my life is to write up a "List of Undertakings" and make performance charts. Basically a grand master plan for my life.

Everything is there, from personal fitness goals, creative projects, school projects and contract work for friends/clients (like those WL4 album covers I still need to finish).