Ashley Forums

Are you playing on an actual virtual boy?
To be fair, it's not even the "effects" that make the game good. It's how good the controls feel and how good the sprite art is that makes it good. VB Wario Land's effects are just a plus. And of course, I can't say I saw them, but I saw some 3D videos online and it looked quite nice.
JS Shantae
JS Shantae
@Magma Yup. Picked one up a few months ago. @BlueJackG no, I'm referring to the physical effects people always bring up when talking about VB..headaches, dizziness, etc. The game is beautiful!
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AAAH! The bad ones, ok! Then good, I wish I could try myself, though I know that it's also a problem of the 3DS. My mom can't see any sort of 3D effect, so even when she tried to watch a movie in Cinema 3D, she could not understand the 3D effect and got a massive headhache. If you're ok, then have fun! :D