Ashley Forums

  1. L

    Game music you like

    Bubsy 3D's first level has some pretty neat music if you ask me. I don't think I could stand playing it, but I love how alien the soundtrack seems :wahlaughback:
  2. L

    What's something weird that's pleasing to your senses.

    Also certain game interfaces on DS games where you feel like you're tapping an actual button
  3. L

    What's something weird that's pleasing to your senses.

    Looking at my feet when I'm wearing my Converse.They make me feel cool :p
  4. L

    bread is cool

    It alright
  5. L

    *licks you*

    Thank you kind sir! I have incurred a rare disease : D
  6. L

    Random Posts of Goofiness

    -does the mighty air guitar of doom and awesomeness-