Should Wario Appear in The M&L RPGs?


GB/DS Game Developing ATM
As far as I know the Mario and Luigi series has nothing in it relating to Wario at all. Is this a problem? He'd make a great boss fight or even as an ally/playable character. He has all the moves and powers for it. Or do you think it would go against Wario's comical invincibility to fire and ice? Heck, you could even give him hats for equipment or for overworld puzzles.
Definitely. Mario & Luigi as one team, Wario and Waluigi as another team, some exploration of both Diamond City and various Wario Land locations... what could possibly go wrong with that killer combination?

Besides, change the 4 in the logo below to a 5, and you've got a good logo for the box art:

I think Wario should have his own RPG. Mario sort of has his own rpg style now, that is played upon in two different series, and I think they should come up with something to make a Wario RPG distinct and its own entity should they ever go the route of giving him one.
A Wario RPG could be interesting, definitely. Especially when you consider how many unused characters there are in both Wario Land and WarioWare. A story where Captain Syrup, Rudy the Clown, the Golden Diva, Princess Shakora, Count Cannoli and say, the Shake King all end up playing a part? Could be interesting.

Even more so if AlphaDream made it. They did a freaking good job with the Mario & Luigi series, so to see their brand of humour applied to the Wario one would be awesome.
I feel like a Wario RPG should be something like half-minute hero, with you just going through enemies stealing money and getting stronger in hyper-active bursts with maybe some short warioware-ish minigames and stuff. Make it zany in a Wario Land 4 sort of way and I think you'd be golden.
Wario should definitely star in a RPG. Paper Wario, Wario and Luigi Adventures in Crime or Wario's one RPG he should star in one. Not sure about Waluigi though...
Hm, I'm not sure. I don't think waluigi has enough of a personality. Of course the game could be the creator of his personality though. I'm not sure if he would really fit in, but if done right it could be interesting for sure.
An idea that I have is that mario and waluigi, and luigi and wario have to work together to get something. Just like in bowser's inside story and superstar saga that bowser and mario and luigi are working together. It could be that the game is divided into different parts, a little bit like the chapters in paper mario, and after each part you switch to the other pair. Of course eventually you would pair up again, do the "final" boss battle with four people, and then, plot switch, wario and waluigi turn against mario and luigi and you play as mario and luigi to defeat wario and waluigi. Understand? :)