What game were you most surprised by?


What you see is what you get, just a guy...
Now I'm sure most of us have this one game, a game that we thought Naah that looks stupid or whatever, but then when we actually play it, you're surprised at how good it was. Here's my choice.

Oh yes, now when I first saw this game, I thought, nah it looks so kiddy and stupid thanks to that crayon artstyle and there was a time where I never really cared about Yoshi, but when I got it for my long gone SNES a couple of years ago, I was blown away by how good it was, the controls, the graphics the music, the levels, and just Yoshi in general. (He's tied with Mario as my favorite Mario character.) And nowadays it's probably one of my favorite video games of all time because it's so damn good. And to think that I thought that this was gonna be some kiddy game, when it soon became one of my favorite video games of all time.

Now I have many games that surprised me with their overall quality. (A few Sonic games are like that to me.) But this game is I think the most notable of the bunch. But now I want to know, what's a video game that truly surprised you with how good it is?
Ive actually had alot of games like this : p Some that I was unsure of and even some that I thought were gonna be super lame, but then I ended up liking a ton : p Ill have to spend time thinking back on all the games Ive played cuz its been a while : p But the first one that comes to mind is one of my all time favorite titles-


I found this game sitting on a shelf at game stop like ten years ago for 5$ one day while shopping with my little brother. I thought the cover looked pretty, but I had no idea what on earth the game was : p I picked it up on a whim, cuz 5$ : p I wasnt sure what to think of it other than the case was way pretty, and my little brother actually said he thought it looked stupid, haha. He said I wasnt gonna like it and it was a waste of money.

We got home, and about an hour later I finally put it in and gave it a shot. And right off the bat I loved the game, haha. The first thing to hit me was the music, this game has seriously pretty music.

It was by the time that you had to select the first level from the world map that I decided I was gonna like the game : p But when the first level started I was way excited. The level was gloomy and pretty, the music was perfect, I loved the art style. I thought the game was great : p After spending a very small amount of time, you are taken into your first battle, and it was way fun : p



Its based around cards, but its alot more like pokemon than a card game : p You have an army of monsters at your disposal, and the more you fight with them the more EXP they gain, which you can use to evolve them or copy them and make another of the same kind. And you can really grow attached to them, too. I definitely had favorites that I was always excited to use, haha.

It quickly became one of my favorite games, and when I learned there was a sequel for it I quickly blew my money on it : p I cant tell you which I prefer of the two, but Im very happy to have them both complete with case and booklet : p
Luigi's Mansion: Luigi as a protagonist and a horror themed nintendo game
Dragon Ball Xenoverse: Some creative liberty in a DB game, finally!!! (Oh wait, its just a clone of Dragon Ball Online... M'Kay)
Hyper Devotion Noire: The lovely Noire is the protagonist, cool!
Ummm, let's see... I always had a god eye on games, I never really get surprised...

Oh I know! Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, and 999 (9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors). I didn't expect much of them, never called my attention and both are just awesome!
My first Mario and Zelda games I picked out on a whim based solely on the boxart, I hadn't even heard of Mario or Zelda before.

And more recently, The Last Story for Wii. I originally just wanted it cuz the graphics look like Twilight Princess, but then it actually turned out to be really good. It's my favorite JRPG now.
Shin Megami tensei IV:Apocalypse
The first SMTIV made me change the way I think about jrpgs. It quickly became my favorite game of all time.
Then lo and behold to my surprise they announce a sequel in just a few years after release date. I was so STOKED!