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  1. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    It is me! It is Kinopio-kun!
  2. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    It will be a pain to everyone. It is difficult for Japanese people to write kanji well. It's not just overseas people.
  3. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    It is mentioned, as 2018 years old. Earth is very more old than 2018 years.
  4. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    Some Zelda game, and maybe Metroid Prime?
  5. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    2018歳 = 2018 years, age of person. 2018年 = year 2018, age of Georgian calendar. 2018年前 = 2018 years ago, time has passed. 後2018年 = after 2018 years, time will happen.
  6. テクニカル諏訪子

    Share your latest acquisitions!

    UltimatePisman The channel has a huge history of different people who upload from the whole world, so not everything is made by me.
  7. テクニカル諏訪子

    Share your latest acquisitions!

    Not yet. Not yet. I was misread. Yes, I make YouTube video. Almost 12 year ago started.
  8. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    The universe person that aim on Earth invasion. It went to Earth from 1000 year ago. It's now 2018 years old. 地球侵略を狙う宇宙人。1000年前から地球にいる。今2018歳。
  9. テクニカル諏訪子

    Share your latest acquisitions!

    I bought this game capture with no PC requirement.
  10. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    俺だよ!ワリオだよ! I see. (;^ω^)
  11. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    "Soy yo, Wario" I read it in Japanese method (そうよ!ワリオ!), meaning "That's right, Wario!".
  12. テクニカル諏訪子

    video sharing/ fave youtuber thread

    Some recent Chunithm records I am proud of:
  13. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    My footage of Made in Wario Gorgeous demo:
  14. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    Not that I mind, but why are Japanese trailers always being linked from GameXplain, which are literal copy/paste from official Nintendo channel? Nintendo 公式チャンネル Also, I confirm the existence of trial version (downloading now): Additionally reservation version:
  15. テクニカル諏訪子


  16. テクニカル諏訪子

    Warioware Gold Discussion

    I see. (;^ω^) If both eShop use the same Nintendo Account, it's possible to use account balance from either one in the other. Especially handy since the 3DS eShop can be loaded with 電子マネー (electric money, it's money stored on an IC card that's commonly used in public transportation, vending...