I will personally attest to Skullgirls being a relatively well-designed and well-balanced fighting game. And also a lot of the character designs would probably appeal to Kyon.
Yeah, I get that he has to play really tricky. It's just that, if you take away the Waft, he's a very mediocre character, to the degree that he practically needs to land it to win. It makes playing him kind of a bore to me, compared to Project M.
The problem with killing Wario compared to someone like Ike or Ganondorf is that he can recover from much farther distances because of his Wario Bike. The tradeoff, of course, is that Wario is also really bad at killing without the Wario Waft (his other strongest moves are really risky), and he...
Basically just Jerry Lawler. He's had some real-life heat with Heyman for a long time now. By all other accounts, Paul Heyman is a genius in the industry.
I feel your pain there. I'm generally pretty good at talking to people, and have on more than one occasion been described as "charming" (somehow), but I also prefer spending most of my time alone because talking to people exhausts me. Even just having one particularly engaged conversation with...