He cannot keep up with the style of the character Strong Bad from homestarrunner.com. If only Wario could at least mimic Strong Bad then at least we'd have more wario games. If you feel cheated out of Wario games then blame the weak producer.
We aught to get together and encourage or force the...
gimblert is gay
hah gayyyyyyyy
niogio ate billy the giants butt
please stop making low-effort garbage threads
tahutoa is gay
wario es un homosexual
who is billy the giant
I read somewhere that Mona is a love interest of Wario. So she must be at least 25. Wario must be 35 to 45. I seen guys date 20 something girls before who were in their 40's.
Can any of you fans handle the "Dirty Wario"? Pherhaps you heard of a dirty sanchez? It's like that but worse. It might make a great entry to Wario's micro games. Or it might be something to give to your special friend.
A Warioland game not staring Wario which takes place inside of Wario's intestinal tract where the player has to escape out of Wario's butt before the player is digested or is overcame by Wario's garlic farts.
Trump 24/7 , 7 days a week suckers get used to it, no change or hope here, just constant reality, and constant conformity for you unless he is defeated in the next elec.