Any ideas,for new storys?


Some random guy online
I have a couple:

1.A Wario story that actually involves treasure hunting, add a couple of Wario Land references and wer'e good to go...

2.9-Volt and 18-Volt go on a small adventure because they wan't to prove that they are as good as Mario or Link.
There could be a battle that parodies certain final boss cliches like Bowser growing giant, for no reason among others.
I'm imagining them figthing with Wiimotes as swords and the superscope as a weapon..

3.Ashley meets Sarissa from Warios Woods(Snes)....
This will never happen, but i'm sure it would be funny...
Wario and Dr Crygor go into a mix machine and Waluigi is created!
All the end game bears combine and make a super bear that is out for honey but then a Manly Dan comes around and wants to kill the bear!:eek: