Any other forums your on?

SmashBoards, (badass Mother/EarthBound fansite), Nintendo Life, Animal Crossing Community, the So many different forums!

I'm still considering joining DK Vine and Nintendo 3DS Community.
Rpg Maker VX Ace Net - a place where people can share their own homebrew RPGs and other videogames created with various RPG Maker programs, VX Ace being the main focus.
Users can also share programing codes (known as scripts), art and music, so that others can use them in their games.
Well, i registrered there because I wanted to make a game in rpg maker, but i never got it made...
I am very active on this forum called EmpireMinecraft. It's obviously a server of a great minecraft server.
Since January 7 2013, I have got 4391 posts on my name with 2405 likes.
I vote for this server every day and visit the forums, read my alerts and inboxes every day. Then I have warioforums. I found this forum in May, and whenever I have some time left I go here to catch up with what's happening at these forums. Then a third forum, a re-volt forum. You all probably don't even know what Re-Volt is so it's not worth mentioning the name of the forums. It's an amazing race game which I played a lot in my childhood, and I recently got into it again. After I had problems with getting it to work on Windows 7 I asked for help on that forum - that was about a month ago - and since then I check it everyday. It's not nearly as active as this forum though, and I'm not nearly as active there as well. And that's about it, 3 forums I'm active about at the moment :)
I've been active on 2 other, Dutch, forums in the past, when I was younger. I've always liked fora because they are a great way to be social with other people without having to spend the energy to actually talk with people in real life.
Talk Nintendo and 3DS Pedia. Perhaps if I had more time to myself on the internet I would be in more. I just like them for the broad range of things they cover and people to play online against.