fool2fool communicator
hi, my name is 2Z (supposedly) and I'm new to both using forums generally speaking (kind of, it's more that all the other ones i used were dead so i only made one post on them and then realized there wasn't much left to do there) and also to the warioverse or whatever the term people use for all the wario games and media is. i finally started playing wario-ware inc recently after desperately wanting to play it years ago but for some reason not starting until about a month ago. like, i was obsessed with wario-ware (mostly gold at the time) when i was 12/13ish but for some reason never even tried any of the games. eh whatever maybe it is better this way in the long run, time will tell or maybe it wont how should i know the time is still now. okay so i'm not really sure how to make a good intro, but to clarify why i'm here, this game is eating my brain and i am falling in love with the series as a whole. as for who i am? i'm an evil king (a few, actually) and i make evil things and i wish i was orbulon. seriously. he's living my dreams. and he has cool sunglasses. oh and also though i dont want to get into too many details about my secret alter ego, i want to let it be known that they love art history/studying art and that that will leak over to my behavior here. i also think geography is F A S C I N A T I N G sooooo if anyone has any theories/inspirations/hypothetical maps of different wario based locations feel free to contact me i would be BEYOND interested in such a thing!! back to art though, i think it is fascinating, and though i also like to make it, nothing butters my biscuit quite like spending too long thinking about it. speaking of, that's also how i look at wario-ware kind of. it really aligns with my artistic priorities, and every time i go to play it i discover a new exciting little detail and i think that's just dazzling! oh and i loooooove writing, so in the future i may write some wario fan stories. i also mayyyyyyy be working on a wario ware spin off comic but uh that could have just been something i did in a dream only time will tell unless i forget and then it doesn't. okie dokie i think that's all. sorry to ramble! i have a leak in my brain and this is just how it flows
(i like that hes wearing sunglasses here thats pretty real)