My Introduction


9-Volt's Big Sister
Hello, My name is Breezie/Bea (I don't really care what names you use on me these are just my preferred ones.) I like Warioware a lot and I am very excited for the upcoming game Warioware Move It and I already have it preordered!

Pronouns: She/They

Favorite Warioware Game: Gold/Get it Together

Favorite warioware character(s): I love all of them!! The volts + lulu fall under my all time favorites though.
I also have ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) so please be respectful and use tone tags with me please.

I hope I can have a bunch of fun here on Wario forums!! ^^
Welcome to Wario Forums! And as someone who's also on the autistic spectrum, I'll make sure to be as respectful as possible there.
Welcome!! We're glad to have you here!
I hope you enjoy your stay here! :]
lol oops I just saw this here or I wouldn't have posted directly on your profile page!
BUT HAPPY DIAMOND DAY (that's what I'm calling everyone's join/cake day from now on)

dabbit 2z and I could use some help in Wario Teaches Typing, if you're interested
been here for almost 3 months but haven't made an introduction yet

so uhh
i'm here because i'm a fan of the hit game WarioWare
my favorite WarioWare character is Penny Crygor
i'm also a major Sonic the Hedgehog fan

alright goodbye now