Sony to make Mario Animated Film

Wario Man

CEO of Wario Ware
What gets me is that Sony's doing it. Yes, I'm aware different divisions have little, if anything to do with each other, but it still lows my mind.

As for Wario being in it, as much as I'd like that, if it's supposed to be Mario's show, it'd be smart to save Wario for a sequel, if there was one. Don't want to cram in too many characters the first time, do we?
Sounds great to me, but I would prefer Walt Disney Pictures and/or Pixar Animation Studios as the main studios than Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Since they did a great computer-animated film about video games (alias Wrech-It Ralph), they could bring themselves again for another video game film and also have faith on them.

Above all, I just pray it's animated.
I couldn't stand the Live Action Super Mario Bros. Movie as a child and even today.
I hope they don't pull a Fat Albert or Smurfs on us. You know where the characters get sucked out of their world and enter ours.

That'd be horrible! But also incredibly likely given how lazy movie makers are for kids films these days.
mario mario inadvertently ends up in present days brooklyn and must help unlucky everydude dave with his romantic misfortunes while foiling the plans of the corrupt executive frank "king" bowser...
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I hope they don't pull a Fat Albert or Smurfs on us. You know where the characters get sucked out of their world and enter ours.

That'd be horrible! But also incredibly likely given how lazy movie makers are for kids films these days.

That would indeed be afwul! I think it's more likely to be a 'normal' animated movie though. (especially considering the disaster of the 1993 movie)