Wario Teaches Typing - A Wario Text Adventure

I just now realised that it's called Wario Teaches Typing becuase you have to type to reply.... Truly my genius know no boundries....
What lore does Wario Teaches Typing have.... (OOC)
We use bold for OOC
Also, uh, I think I'll need Oh Boi to help with this, he's the one who came up with half the things, like self inserting us, but basically, it started as a sequel to Wario Master of Disguise, with a new thief called the Golden Gale, whose actual name is Lord Eclair, but then went awry, first Dedede, Escargoon and Sonic ended up in the TV with him, then Kat and Ana were going to play with Wario, and then they ended up going to Goofy Goober's, Wario ended up getting his ass kicked by Jimmy T, then Wario, Shadow, Knuckles and Waluigi ended up in Shangri-La from Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies. After that, Wario, Sonic and Dedede ended up in the TV again the next day, this time without Escargoon and with Tails. Then I forgot what happened exactly but later on Wario, Shadow, Knuckles and Waluigi ended up in Garten of Banban (Wario shot that place up with the magnum he had from Shangri-La), then Wario, Sonic, Dedede and Tails went to a dead meme land, ended up in hell, met Stolas from Helluva Boss, ended up in some Bible story cartoon movie or something, and then Sonic, Tails and Dedede ended up in Left 4 Dead 2 with Kirby, and
Wario ended up in Left 4 Dead 1 with Sans and Papyrus, as well as Cosmo from Sonic X, then they fought Eclair again in India where Bowser was on vacation. Basically Wario, Sonic and Dedede just end up in the TV, then Wario gets trapped in games with some others, and also introducing most major characters.

Then Wario ended up fighting Jimmy again, this time he won. Then Wario, Tails, Cosmo and Peppino ended up in Call of the Dead, also from Black Ops Zombies. Sonic, Dedede, Kirby, Knuckles, Shadow, Waluigi, Sans and Papyrus were also there, just trapped behind the door like the original Zombies crew in the actual map (but Zombies lore is also a confusing thing, something to probably look up). After completing the easter egg, they ended up back where they were before. After that, they had just a nice relaxing day (filler part) at the beach. Then they went into the TV again, but ended up in an episode of Sonic X (didn't do anything much obviously as to not mess with things, btw the episode in question was Mission Match Up, which basically is Team Chaotix's failed attempts at trying to get Tails and Cosmo together). The next day they went into the TV again, this time with a plan to defeat Eclair again, but it was a trap. Here it branches off into the normal story and the bad ending.

In the bad ending, Bowser, Kat, Ana and Stolas fight Eclair, he becomes an eldritch horror of the same name as his thief name (the Golden Gale), the others escape and go to fight, he absorbs Waluigi, Knuckles and Shadow, Buu style, and then corrupts them. After this, Dedede's team (him, Sans and Kirby) fight Shadow, and they sadly have to kill him, same with Sonic's team (him, Tails and Cosmo), then Wario's team (him, Papyrus and Peppino) fight Waluigi, but apparently they need more help. And this is where the aforementioned self-insertion comes from.

Then they grab Oh Boi, his friend Shadow (called Shadina in the story as to not confuse her with Shadow the Hedgehog), DabbitDaMips (the first author of the story) and me (again, this self-insertion was Oh Boi's idea), then they (we? not sure) got dragged in, and this is where the narrators came in (a narrator was somewhat his idea, but I was the one who said the four of us [who were also going to be the voice actors for it if {or when, I dunno, probably when though} it gets animated {by me}, but then Oh Boi decided we should hire voice actors to make it a slight bit more professional] should all get a narrator character), and then the self-inserted me and my narrator dude fight the corrupted Waluigi as different Smash characters before he becomes "normal" corrupted Waluigi and absorb them (us?), again, Buu style, then get corrupted like before, fight the others, inject them with corruption venom, then instead of becoming corrupted the Chaos Emeralds make them go Super Saiyan, then they almost kill Baker Man and Molten (the narrator guy, named after my Steam/GitHub/Discord name, MoltenDishrag59), but instead the corruption gets killed.

After this they kill the corrupted Waluigi, then they fight the Golden Gale, and now Scratch and Grounder from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Carmen Sandiego, some anime caveman girl and the 4 types of love from the Bible (again, fucking ask Oh Boi, I don't understand either...) are here too? Then the narrators and loves fight the horsemen from The Binding Of Isaac, and then Jojo reference happens. Then after a little bit, they all get Galeem'd by the Golden Gale, then dying.

The normal story has Bowser's crew and him fight Eclair in a Smash Bros style battle, then after beating him everyone goes back, and then Molten and Oh Boi's narrator character end up going through a mysterious door and Oh Boi's friend's narrator and Dabbit's narrator find this out, and that leads up to now.

Also that's not even everything there are some details I forgot to mention

Yes I know damn well I look like Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia going on about Pepe Silvia while I'm explaining this but I don't care

I just now realised that it's called Wario Teaches Typing becuase you have to type to reply.... Truly my genius know no boundries....
I- how have I never noticed that? I literally only noticed the Mario Teaches Typing reference lmao.
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L: Hey, Harris/Conor, let's throw a camera through the door and use a baby monitor to see what happens to it, to try getting an understanding of what happened to Molten and Avaneesh.
HAR/CON: Alright, let me just connect my chest monitor to the camera. And done, let's do it.
L: Yah!
Har/Con: It's been falling for quite a while...
L: Oh, do you think they could survive a fall like that?
Har/Con: Probably.
L: It fell finally. Wait, is that them dead there? And what's that machine with an orange glow?
Har/Con: Didn't we see that when narrating that nightmare before the cooking show? Also I think I hear them breathing.
L: Alright then, that should be fine. Wait, WHY IS THERE A BIG WHITE FLASH?!
Har/Con: Aaaaaand no signal, great, they're cooked.
L: You were the one who was hopeful about their survival, what's wrong?
Har/Con: Either they're dead, or in a different dimension.
L: Wait, you record the footage as it goes, right?
Har/Con: Yeah, why?
L: Slow it down, maybe they made a quick escape.
Har/Con: Alright... Wait, we didn't even need to slow it down, they got up and went through another door.
L: What do you mean?
Har/Con: We just didn't see it because of the machine distracting us.
L: Okay...
Meanwhile, in the door...

L: Wait, there's a nice picnic going on and I think we should focus on that for a while.
Har/Con: Alright, let's do that.

S: Alright everyone, let's just enjoy a bit of a picnic and hope nobody just shows up.
W: We need some time off from the chaos, even our time at the beach yesterday had a bit of it.
Meanwhile, at a random location...
M: The falling stopped, we should be able to get out now. Hey, uh, are you there?
Avaneesh is unconscious
Molten nudges Avaneesh's face and opens the door.
Av: What is it?
M: We're out the other side now.
Av: Let's see what waits here.
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S: Oh great, a door just spawned...
W: Who the heeeeeee... Papyrus points out Tails, Cosmo and Kirby ...ck are those guys?
Av: Surprise! Did'ja guys miss me?
Everyone, including Molten, just stares at Avaneesh
M: Dude they don't know us.
Av: Oh, I see. My name's Avaneesh.
M: The name's Molten, it's nice to meet you but it's even better to meet me.
T: Nice to meet you guys too! My name's Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails.
s: you guys seem a bit familiar...
Av: Really?
s: yeah, but very vaguely.
L: Great, they're THERE now.
Har/Con: They didn't cause anything that'd start a whole new arc or something, so there's that.
L: Yeah, but it might confuse them. The ones having a picnic too.
Har/Con: Relax, even if it IS confusing, those two confuse US often too.
L: I'm just afraid Molten's gonna do something stupid.
Har/Con: Only one way to step in, and that's going in the door ourselves...
(Door opens and they run in)
After they exit the door, they see some characters not there before, heroes AND villains, including a 2nd silhouette

L+Har/Con: What have they done?
L: Should I call Molten?
Har/Con: Uh, sure.
M: Hold on guys I'm getting a call. Hello?
Molten walks away
L: Molten, what happened?
M: Whaddya mean what happened, Lucy? We're fiiine.
L: We know you're in the park where the others are having a picnic.
M: We didn't know what would happen if we went through the door, it was just morbid curiosity.
L: There are now more heroes AND villains here, including a 2nd mystery character.
M: Like who?
L: I don't know exactly yet.
M: I see. You think this is something that'd start a new arc?
M: Luce, is that guy who looks like me one of them?
L: No, and please don't call me Luce.
M: Ok, fine. BYEEE!
Molten hangs up
M: Av, may I pull you aside briefly?
Av: Alright, what's up Molten?
M: Lucy just called me...
Av: And?
M: We may need to panic.
Av: WHY?!
M: Because they entered the door, and ended up someplace different.
Av: So what?
M: They noticed something we didn't, more heroes AND villains, both main characters AND side characters most likely. Even a second mystery character.
Av: This might not be a reason to panic.
M: This will likely be the start of a new arc too.
Av: And that's bad because...
M: That means it's a huge thing happening.
Av: I see.
And that's the end of that arc and the start of a new one. Maybe the SIs could be incorporated into the story 1 by 1 in this arc.
Actually no, THIS is the end of that arc (Also @Spooky boi I will need your help making this next arc.)
Av: How do we know she wasn't tricking us? You are rather gullible.
M: I'm just gonna ignore that, I suppose we need to see for ourselves.
Avaneesh and Molten then keep walking until they find Lucy and Harris/Conor
Av: Hi Lucy, hi Harris/Conor.
Av: Over there.
Molten runs over and trips, Avaneesh helps him up
M: Phew, thanks for tha-
Molten stares in horror, as what Lucy said was, in fact, true.
Av: What?
M: Uhhhhh l-l-l- bdbdbdpftwoahwoahwoahhh
Av: What is it?
Av looks and is shocked too
M/Av: What have we/you done...?
Fade to black...
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Meanwhile, in the Discord vc...
BM: Did any of you guys have that nightmare I had?
OB: No, I didn't, but it sounds odd.
DDM/SA: What happened in it?
BM: We went to a restaurant and ended up fighting alongside video game characters and people that look kinda like me and Oh Boi, except the one that looked like me was an inch taller, had gray eyes and was covered in metals, and the guy who looked like Oh Boi was all showy and flashy. There was also a blonde girl and a robot there. Me and the metal me got absorbed by a corrupted Waluigi, Majin Buu style, and ended up getting partially corrupted. We broke free, Waluigi was eventually slain, and then we all got Galeem'd.
Shadina (btw I think I'll differentiate between Shadow and Shadina with SH for the hedgehog and Sh for the self-insert of Oh Boi's friend): Really? I think you're working on that fanfiction too mUUU-
DDM/SA: Are you alright there?
OB: Strange, she's GOOOOONE.
BM: Dabbit/Sulphuric, I think they've gone inside their computers somehow.
DDM/SA: Come on, that's ridiculous, That would never happ- AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
BM: What's happened to them? I guess I'll find out. HERE I GOOOOO!
Now inside the world of the story
L: It doesn't matter, let's just save them for now.
The narrators save the newcomers
BM: Oh thanks guys. Wait a minute, you look familiar...
M: He remembers us!
BM: It WASN'T just a nightmare?
M: Oh that was a nightmare alright.
BM: Fortunately I was offscreened before I had to sing a musical number.
M: Tell me about it. I like to sing too, but not around other people.
Av: You guys SURE you aren't boyfriends?
M+BM: No, we're both straight, I think.
OB: You look cool.
Av: Who, me? Thank you very much, you look like me too.
BM: Tell me, do you eat radiation?
M: No. Do you have diabetes and really bad teeth?
BM: No, but sometimes I forget to brush, and I DO worry about prediabetes.
M: You're Baker Man, right?
BM: Uh-huh. Your name is Molten if I remember correctly.
M: You do remember correctly.
OB: Baker Man over there told us about you guys.
Av: How does he know about us?
OB: He had a nightmare about us all dying, I think?
Sh: Your face looks like mine, but that's it.
L: Strange, I thought we'd be the same, unless I was THAT guy's counterpart.
DDM/SA: Why is the guy who's likely MY counterpart a robot? I'm not a robot.
Har/Con: Weird, I know. But I feel like Robotnik may be around here, so you better be careful, otherwise you might jinx that last part.
Av: Yeah but that's AOSTH Robotnik.
BM: Uh, guys, it seems to me like there are multiple Robotniks.
They look over and see AOSTH Robotnik, Mama Robotnik, SatAM Robotnik and modern Eggman.
M: 2 Robotniks, 1 Mama Robotnik and 1 Eggman. And are those Scratch, Grounder, Orbot, Cubot, Decoe and Bocoe?
Av: When did the other ones get here? I just remember Scratch and Grounder being there. Oh, and there's Carmen and Lum.
BM (whispering to Oh Boi): Oh Boi who the hell are these?
OB (whispering back): Do you not remember me telling you about them?
BM: Whatever, I'm out before this becomes more chaotic.
M: Wait, I see more Sonic characters, and Luffy's back after that cameo back in Shangri-La, and I think I see the girls from DDLC?
BM: That's what I feared, I'm outta here.
Baker Man starts running
BM: What?
M: I'm pretty strong, I could punch you away a bit.
BM: Alright.
Molten grabs Baker Man, spins around really fast, and throws him
W: I get a funny feeling that there's more presence here than before.
S: Yeah, almost like there's someone who got flung on their way to the park right now.
T: Oh no, did they see us in the TV or something?
s: i feel strange...
K: Poyo... (Me too...)
W: Great.
In the air
Everything becomes white for everyone, then Wario sits in his house again, and sees episode 1 of a new season of The Silver Zephyr called The Golden Gale is about to air
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Wario grabs the Telmet again
Inside the TV, he's listening to the awesome soundtrack, with more music this time. Now he finds a red chest, and next to it, he finds a Golden Goodstyle.
W: It's red now? That must mean I have it still.
Wario becomes Karate Wario again
W: Ah, finally back in these threadses. Here I go!
Wario ends up back by those ruins
W: That's a lot of donuts. I better run to get some before that penguin eats them all.
Dedede sees the donuts and starts inhaling them, but not before Wario eats some
D: Hey, those were my donuts!
W: Let me have some too.
Dedede raises his hammer, about to attack Wario and start that epic battle again, but then Sonic spindashes in, hitting them both
S: Guys, guys, now's not the time to fight. Besides, we've already done this before, remember?
D: Eh, he took some of my donuts, I don't care.
W: Bring it you fatass bird.
They start fighting again
S: I'll need to knock them out again, won't I?
T: I could help too.
S: Yeah, sure.
Tails lifts Sonic up, then drops him, Sonic then uses his homing attack on Wario and Dedede
S: Hey Tails, how about we grab a donut or two before we skedaddle?
T: Are you asking me out? Sorry Sonic, but you're not my type.
S: No, there are donuts right here.
T: Why did we even end up here anyway? Isn't Flying Battery right after Studiopolis?
S: I'm sorry, Studio-opolis? It's clearly Studi-opolis. There's 1 O!
T: Is this the Hydro City/Hydrossity debate again?
S: Yeah, but even THAT made more sense...
Wario gets outta there and beats up some monsters while Dedede beats Sonic and Tails up with his hammer
W: Any second now...
D3, Sonic, Tails and someone who's still just a silhouette fall on top of a monster
W: There it is. I guess we gotta go now.
S: Are we rolling?
W: Hold on, lemme just...
Wario becomes Polar Wario once again
W: Now we sled!
They sled down, and then they find regular Goodstyle again
G: Sir, you've returned.
W: Yeah I did.
G: What about me?
W: Hi I guess.
Goodstyle blabs again about him just saying hi
W: Let's just go fight Cannoli again.
S: Don't forget the Danny Devito cardboard cutout and Nic Cage throw pillow.
W: Alright.
Cannoli: Ah-hah! The Purple Wind returns to give me back my Goodstyle.
W: That's never happening. Also I know you're just jealous of my awesome name.
Cannoli: I am NOT! TAKE THIS!
Cannoli uses a giant fan and blows Sonic, Tails and the mystery character away, but Wario and Dedede are too heavy
D: I guess this is happening again, right?
W: I guess so.
D: Same plan?
W: Same plan.

Dedede sends Wario up

They then carry out the plan
D: What happened next?
Escargoon: We have guests sire.
?: We're back.
S: (Great, the SNAIL'S back.)
D: Wait, the episode ends now, right?
S: Wow, we speedran that, and I wouldn't have it any other way honestly.
W: I guess this means Kat and Ana are on their way to my house now...
Kat+Ana: Wario we wanna play!
W: Alright. Ice cream, right?
Kat: Yeah. I dunno why, but this all seems familiar.
Ana: Maybe there was a time loop.
W: I think so. I suppose Goofy Goober wouldn't be the best place though...
Kat: Why not?
W: Last time, Jimmy T smacked the crap outta me.
Ana: Please?
W: Fine, but let's leave Jimmy alone.
At Goofy Goober's, background dialogue ensues between Avaneesh and Molten
(Av: Something feels familiar, like we've done this before.
M: We have. Well, WE haven't, but current events have previously unfolded.
Bartender: Here's your root beer float.
M: Thanks.
Av: Why are we just in the background here anyway?)
W: Hmm, what should we get, same as before?
Kat/Ana: Sure./Alright!
S: Hey guys.
W: Hi Sonic, didn't wanna play Kirby Does His Taxes 2 with Dedede this time?
S: That, and I remember hearing about a Jimmy Jamboree attack.
W: I've decided to just leave Jimmy alone this time. Maybe that'll make it so that I don't get sent to Shangri La either.
S: Maybe...
After they go home, Wario lies down and finds the shadowy figures looming over him
W: FU-
Wario regains consciousness in Shangri La again
I spun a wheel to see who's ending up in Shangri La, and it's Wario, Sans, Kirby, and Shadina as the crew, Dabbit/Sulphuric and Oh Boi as Brock and Gary from the easter egg (the position taken by Sonic and D3 the first time around)
W: Yeah yeah, Shadow, Waluigi, Knuckles, let's just do this.
s: knuckles, shadow and waluigi aren't here.
K: Poyo?! (Where am I?!)
Sh: You've got the wrong Shadow.
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W: I assume NONE of you know what to do?
s: mhm.
Sh: I mean, my friend Baker Man yaps about this game pretty often, but I have the little bit of understanding he explained from this.
W: Well, I'll need to get some points, then some of you guys kill the zombies to hold them off while the other 2 do the easter egg.
s: wait, zombies?
Sh: Yeah, it's Call of Duty Black Ops, it's a Zombies map from that game, or at least, that's what Baker Man says.
s: black ops has zombies?
W: Uh-huh. Anyway, first we get the power on.
They go get the power on, and then they spin the mystery box.
W: Nice, the baby gun!
Sh: What?
W: This gun makes the zombies small, and then you can run into them. Alright, let's activate that radio.
Wario hits the radio
OB: What is this place?
DDM/SA: This must be that Shangri La place Baker Man mentioned writing about. Wait, isn't it a map from Black Ops ZOMBIES?!
OB: Oh, I see the problem here...
A zombie sound is heard, followed by the 2 lads screaming and running
OB: Well, now we're trapped.
DDM/SA: Great.
OB: Can someone help us?

Sh: That sounds like- OH BOI AND DABBIT/SULPHURIC ACID?! No Baker Man though.
W: Anyway, we gotta go do the easter egg now. Wait, hold on, there's the last rock, let's activate the song.
s: what's that box of bullets? a max ammo maybe?
W: Yeah, leave it for a monkey, so we can all get a perk bottle.
The monkey picks up the max ammo, and then Wario kills the monkey while the item is a perk bottle, Wario then picks it up.
W: Juggernog? Nice.
s: what's this purple one?
Sh: Wow, I'm quite a bit faster now.
K: Poyo? (I shoot faster now?)
W: Sans, you got PhD Flopper, it negates explosive and fall damage and gives you an explosive dolphin dive. You, uhhh...
Sh: Just call me Shadina.
W: You got Staminup, which makes you move faster. Kirby seemingly got Double Tap Root Beer, judging by his increased fire rate.
s: what does juggernog do?
W: Increased health. Anyway we gotta go down a water slide and pull a switch now.
They go down the water slide and Wario pulls the switch
s: no way, i just got the ray gun from the box.
W: I thought you didn't know about Zombies?
s: well yeah but of course i know the ray gun.
W: Next we need to do pressure plates and such.
2 Minutes later...
W: Well, now that we finished the gas step and had a napalm go through. Spikemore time.
After that, the wall and the symbols on the wall
W: Let's go to the radio, and then I gotta enter 16 1 3 4. Then we get the dynamite after the gong step, which will be trial and error.
5 minutes later
W: Now I Pack-A-Punch the baby gun, get the dynamite, and then we go home.
Wario does that
OB+DDM/SA: Thank you guys.
W: Alright, now we go. DOLPHIN DIVE.


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In the morning...
W: Finally, I'm outta that again.
Wario eats some garlic bread, gets the telmet on, and goes into the TV, and as before, Sonic and Dedede get sucked in too, but something's different, the screen goes black, and different voices are heard...
K: P- poyo...? (W- where am I now...?)
L: This is weird.
Ana: What is this place?
C: Oh no, not this again...
In another place, this time a hospital elevator...
ST: Why are we in an elevator?
KN: Wait, a hospital?
DDM/SA: I dunno.
It turns out that the two teams of 4 (Kirby, Lucy, Ana and Cosmo) ended up in No Mercy from Left 4 Dead and (Stolas, Knuckles, Papyrus and Dabbit/Sulphuric) No Mercy from Payday (btw they're the same hospital)
K: Poyo? (Are we in the meme place again?)
L: No, I think this is the real deal.
C: What did Kirby say?
L: He asked if we're in the meme place again.
C: You can understand him?
L: Yeah!
Ana: That's cool.
KN: Masks on everyone.
DDM/SA: Wait, Payday? I think my friend Baker Man loves that game.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Baker Man is there again and forgot about the whole thing...
BM: Well, why haven't Oh Boi, Shadina or Dabbit/Sulphuric gotten on in a while? Oh wait it's Halloween, I should get my costume.
Back to Knuckles and co...
Kirby and co...
K: Poyo. (Watch out for the car alarm.)
Ana swings the katana around, and then hits the car
C: Oh no...
⚠️ Ana alerted the horde
KN: Alright, here we go...
Now the same music starts in both spots, the Payday 2 track for No Mercy...

the others look at him
DDM/SA: WITH LEAD OF COURSE! What is wrong with you?
Meanwhile, Wario, Sonic and D3...
W: Wow, an elephant...
D: Fits ya well fatso. Also, don't you mean "wowie zowie"? This IS Super Mario Wonder.
They bump shoulders and growl again
S: Guys STOP.
W: Fine.
D: Wonder flower there, maybe we'll roll into Eclair or Cannoli.
W: Alright.
They roll down the hill as spiky balls before Wario's garlic kicks in
Sonic and Dedede speed up as Wario lets one rip
S: That smelled horrible last time.
D: There's the flag, and Wario's hat...
The fight between Wario and Eclair ensues again...
KN+C: Finally, the elevator out of here.
K: Poyo! (Almost done!)
The rooftop finale for Left 4 Dead No Mercy and the escape sequence for Payday No Mercy begin.
Meanwhile, at Tails' house...

T: Gotta decorate for Halloween. Looks at the plant on the windowsill Hmm, that hasn't really shown much growth in the past 2 days, that's odd, especially since it grew quite a bit last time...
Also these parts will obviously be more fleshed out when animated, I just don't have the time to write it in detail or something.
After everyone gets home, Wario sends a voice message to everyone
W: Hey guys, Wario here, happy Halloween! I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with me this Halloween and do some spooky karaoke (cuz those damn narrators just can't resist a musical number) and fill our bellies with soda and sweets I got from the creepy candy dealer outside my back alleyway and play "Luigi's Mansion: I Just Shit My Pants!" for the Nintendo Alarmo.
T: Oh, I was about to decorate my house, but it's fine.
S: We goin?
T: Let's get our costumes on first.
S: Dipper? Cool.
T: Goku?
S: Of course.
Knuckles walks in
Kn: Guys, are we ready?
S: Ooh, Saitama.
Cosmo walks in
C: Let's go!
T: Yeah!
S: Miku?
C: Yes.
Av: They're aware of our taste for musical numbers.
L: That's interesting.
Har/Con: Shall we costume up then?
Av: I'll be Beetlejuice.
L: I'll be Samus Aran.
Har/Con: I'll be E-123 Omega.
Av: Molten, what about you?
L: Molten?
They go into Molten's room
M: Hi guys. Happy Halloween.
Av: Why are you in here?
M: I think I'm getting too much screentime.
Av: That doesn't mean you leave, that just means you have to give us some screentime too.
M: Oh, really?
L: Yeah. Anyway, what are you gonna be?
M: A pirate. I'll use my metals to make a sword.
Har/Con: Cool.
WL: Hey Wario, what's up?
W: About to have a Halloween party.
SH: I showed up early to help.
W: I see that. Nice Vegeta costume.
SH: Thank you.
Meanwhile, Oh Boi dressed as The Joker, DabbitDaMips/Sulphuric Acid dressed as Daffy Duck in a zoot suit and Shadina dressed in a Shadow the Hedgehog cosplay
OB: Those costumes look great.
DDM/SA: Thank you.
Sh: Thanks.
s: yeah alright. look, i'm satoru gojo.
K: Poyo! (Here's my costume!)
PE: I'm gonna dress up like my ex.
s: honestly peppino, i forgot you and anton were dating in the past.
That's canon btw
PE: The clothes on, and now the beard.
D: Forget me?
s: heu dedede, that's a costume alright. what is it?
D: Empoleon.
s: come again?
D: Empoleon, the final stage evolution of Piplup.
Kat: Ana, you should've gotten a costume ready ahead of time.
Ana: Sorry! I guess I'll cut holes in this sheet then.
Kat dresses as a witch and Ana dresses as a ghost

B: C'mon chump, just get your costume on.
ST: You too.
B: Fine. How do I look?
ST: You look alright as Rookie
B: Wow, it's almost like that was ME. Anyway, you look as good a farmer as a twink owl from Hell can.
ST: I will ignore that.
BM: Alright, finally, time to dress up.
Baker Man dresses as a cowboy
BM: I don't look half bad as a rootin tootin gunslinger honestly, guess I'll go into town now.
As Baker Man goes trick or treating, Wario, Waluigi and Shadow finish up decorating
W: Finally, a microphone for karaoke.
SH: Here, a punchbowl.
WL: Well, we finished up.
W: Let's put down some potted plants for an extra non-spooky bit of atmosphere.
Look, I KNOW this is coming out on November 1st instead, but I worked on it later at night.
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Cosmo get to Wario's house
S: Well Wario, I made it. Despite your directions.
W: Ah, Sonic and co, welcome. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable Halloween party.
T: Yeah we are!
W: Let's see here. Goku, Dipper, Saitama and Miku, right?
T: Yeah, aren't we just adorable?
C: Wait, you said soda and candy from a CREEPY CANDY DEALER, right?
W: Yeah.
C: That sounds very shady.
W: I tested it myself, it's fine.
S: Ok...
KN: Ooh, a punchbowl.
A knock on the door
W: Yes? Ah, you guys.
Av: Of course we came. We heard there was gonna be karaoke.
M: I may not be one for musical numbers like the others, especially Avaneesh here, but I love karaoke.
W: Alright then.
WL: Let'sa see, Beetlejuice, Zero Suit Samus, Omega and... A pirate?
M (in a bad pirate voice): Aye, that be correct matey.
Oh Boi, Shadina and Dabbit/Sulphuric are at the door
W: Hello there. Why does that guy look like Giorno with a duck bill?
DDM/SA: I'm being Daffy Duck in a zoot suit.
OB: I'm being The Joker.
Sh: I think you can tell who I'm being.
SH: Wait a minute... Are you cosplaying me?
Sh: Uh-huh.
SH: Fair enough.
Sh What is Baker Man doing, and where is he?
s: hey guys, guess our costumes.
K: Poyo! (There's that blonde lady I was stuck with alongside Ana and Cosmo.)
L: Yeah I was, hi Kirby.
M: You can understand Kirby?
C: That's what I said.
Av: He can understand US though, right?
L: Of course.
D: And of course, the king is here.
Kat+Ana: We're here too!
W: Hello.
B: Heya chumps, I decided to be Rookie, and owlboy here is a farmer.
ST: Will you ever just call me by my actual name?
SH: I think that's everyone.
Sh: Yeah, everyone. Where's Baker Man though?
Meanwhile, while trick or treating, Baker Man falls into a portal on the ground
Baker Man falls right by Wario's house
OB: That would be him.
BM: Guys, is THIS where you were?
Sh: Where were YOU?
BM: Back home.
DDM/SA: Baker Man, the 3 of us got trapped in that Shangri La map you mentioned a few times.
BM: Really? Damn. As the crew or...?
Sh: I was in there as part of the crew, I was there with Kirby, Sans and Wario. Oh Boi and Dabbit/Sulphuric were trapped like those Brock and Gary guys who I assume are unrelated to Pokemon.
BM: Yep.
DDM/SA: Then I was in Payday with Knuckles, Papyrus and the owl guy.
ST: I HAVE a name.
BM: I love that game.
W: Alright then, I think that's everyone.
The other 4 show up in their costumes (Scratch as Bocoe, Grounder as Cubot, Carmen in her witch costume and Lum with a cat mask), shouldn't there be more? Wait, there they are (the Robotniks and Eggman in their costumes, and Decoe as Sleet, Bocoe as Scratch, Coconuts as Orbot, Orbot as Coconuts and Cubot as Grounder)
S: Oh great, THESE guys.
Eggman: Relax Sonic, this time we have no ulterior motives.
AOSTH Robotnik: We're just here to partake in a Halloween party. Mama Robotnik made me.
Mama Robotnik: Yes, I think he needs some time with actual interaction aside from those dumbbots.
SatAM Robotnik: Yes, we come in peace. Much to our disdain.
Eggman: Wait, I think we forgot the Music Destroyer.
AOSTH R: It's whatever. There's music here that they probably don't want destroyed anyway.
S: I don't trust you, but welcome to the party, Egghead and Buttnik!
T: Alright, Eggman, I trust YOU the most out of all of your minions and the different versions of you.
Peppino runs through the open window
PE: Finally, made it.
W: Hi Peppino.
W: Our team, Sonic's team and Dedede's team?
KN: Sounds good.
T: Alright.
s: guys just say whatever.
W/S/D/P/T/s/PE/C/K/WL/KN/SH: (they all say something different, or just nothing at all.)

K: Poyo! (Great job!)
SH: Hmph, I look ATROCIOUS in this.
In the other room
Av: Nice, karaoke and snacks.
T: I baked cookies too.
M: Oh thank you Tails.
T: Wario asked someone to bake cookies, and I'm the only one here who knows how to do it.
BM: What about ME?
T: Well, you weren't HERE, were you?
BM: Fair.
Av: If only the Loves were here.
M: Whatever.
L: Even so, we can enjoy a Halloween party.
M: Nice, root beer.
L: Is that Harris/Conor out there?
Av: Yeah, I guess so.
Harris/Conor opens the door
Har/Con: Sorry I was late, I had to stop and get some gas.
Av: You aren't gas powered though?
M: Are you a robotic alcoholic?
Har/Con: One drink doesn't make you an alcoholic.
Next the karaoke begins between the narrators and their counterparts, which will be determined the exact events and songs when it's animated, but they all naturally have different tastes in music. Meanwhile, Kirby, Kat, Ana and Cosmo play Pin The Tail On The Donkey, and other Halloween party antics, including playing Luigi's Mansion: I Just Shit My Pants for the Alarmo, until the end of the party
W: Well, that was fun, but now it's sadly over.
Av: Thank you for the party Wario.
Sorry I didn't write that much of it, I'm too tired to actually flesh it out + as of writing this it's after midnight so it's technically November now.
Wait until like next year or sumn when it's animated for more fleshing out.
Hello everyone, I apologize for not writing anything in the past week, I just have writer's block, besides, this is about when @Oh Boi came into the story (the first time around, it was the 2nd day on Halloween [which it was this Halloween too] and Wario, Shadow, Waluigi and Knuckles got trapped in Garten of BanBan, then he came in on day 3, while Wario, Sonic, Dedede and Tails were in dead meme land), so I think he should come in and try writing this too. I also want to see what he comes up with for different events unfolding.
Even though I am not be the biggest fan of RP, the fact that you are still writing for this thread despite the low activity on the site amazes me ! Gotta give it up for the dedication !
Even though I am not be the biggest fan of RP, the fact that you are still writing for this thread despite the low activity on the site amazes me ! Gotta give it up for the dedication !
I try, although lack of ideas and doing this by myself, which this was supposed to NOT be (but Oh Boi is caught up with school shit and Dabbit has family affairs since his dad died (Dabbit, if you come back, my condolences) drags me down a bit.
Shit too long again? Mock exams that's why. But for now, I feel that I should get back on track with things, but Baker Man should probably do a post first beforehand so that I can follow on. Sorry making y'all wait for long periods, school can be tough to get through sometimes :/
Shit too long again? Mock exams that's why. But for now, I feel that I should get back on track with things, but Baker Man should probably do a post first beforehand so that I can follow on. Sorry making y'all wait for long periods, school can be tough to get through sometimes :/
Ok, should I do one here or the Christmas special?