Where is Ashley's home town?


Diamond City Mayor
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The Japanese WarioWare Smooth Moves blog has a blog entry supposedly written by the character, saying the following:

Ashley: I’m [“Ashley”]… Not interested in blogs... Red, you write [it].

Red: (note: Kansai-ben) Eh, me? Why?! (or "Wha-" or "no way!" or "wtf"... every Internet source says a different thing...) …Eh, can't be helped. (or "c’est la vie.")

I’m Ashley’s close friend, Red. I haven't told this to anyone ["I'm only saying this here"], but Ashley is actually pretty lonely ["has the characteristic of looking lonely"].

This is a picture of when we were practicing magic today in the dry riverbed, but Ashley saw a friendly family [“parent-and-child”] of monkeys and got a far-away look in her eyes for a moment.

Photo caption: Ashley gazing at the family of monkeys. To the left is me!

I acted as though I hadn't noticed but I know fully well. For sure, she was remembering her mama and papa in her hometown. [Surely you agree that] Ashley also has cute characteristics!


Because my mama is always away from home due to work, I can sorta understand how Ashley-chan feels. When you feel lonely, don’t hesitate to come see me!

Wow, Ashley is independent! Mom is scary so I ["Boku-chan"] want to gain independence fast, ya know. And then I wish to be able to play lots of games.

I mistakenly thought Ashley was some kind of scary person but I’m reconsidering a little. (or something like that)

…Everyone…I hate you.
Later, come here. (an order)

Eeeep, please forgive me! [“forgiveness!”]

It says she's remembering her mother and father in her hometown. So where is that supposed to be anyway?

Some creepy haunted location from the Mario or Wario Land games? I can't really think of many areas outside of single houses with that description, but hey, perhaps it's Boo Woods? Or Evershade Valley? Or Crescent Moon Village? Those are all creepy areas with a lot of paranormal activity and strange residents.

But what do you think? Where is Ashley meant to be from anyway?
Here maybe?
Woah, where can I find this? :eek:

From the official WarioWare Smooth Moves site (Japanese version). Here's the link to Ashley's blog post:


Also, she has a 'profile' too, saying roughly this:

名前: アシュリー
職業: ……魔法使いよ。
趣味: ……呪い?
特技: ……魔法。
ひと言: ……。

Name: Ashley
Occupation: Witch
Hobbies: Curse/cursing people
Special Skill: Magic
Personal Comment/Word: .......

The character doesn't seem too talkative on that blog. Her only comments are:

I hate everyone

Bye. Come Red!

The heat ...... seems both Futari.
(couldn't guess the meaning)

Here maybe?

I remember reading somewhere that Uncanny Mansion from Wario Land 2 had something to do with Ashley (maybe a really old Mario fan site, like Waluigious or Coin Heaven), so you may be right. It certainly looks fitting.
I remember reading somewhere that Uncanny Mansion from Wario Land 2 had something to do with Ashley (maybe a really old Mario fan site, like Waluigious or Coin Heaven), so you may be right. It certainly looks fitting.

Was it anything official or just head canons?