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We also see comments online about how big companies might use Kickstarter campaigns to gauge interest in a new title, like with the Shenmue 3 deal, so it makes me wonder...

If Nintendo announced Wario Land 6, or Wario World 2, or a brand new full WarioWare game on Kickstarter, would you donate? If then said they needed say, 500,000 to prove the game was viable, would you give money to make it happen?

To be honest, I think I would help fund it. Seems like we've run out of other options for getting a new game...
If it's Warioware, probably.

I wonder, though. If Goro Abe or whatever left Nintendo and made a kickstarter for an obvious spritual successor (Alfredo Land ? Made in Alfredo? lol), would there be any interest in it..?
If it's Warioware, probably.

I wonder, though. If Goro Abe or whatever left Nintendo and made a kickstarter for an obvious spritual successor (Alfredo Land ? Made in Alfredo? lol), would there be any interest in it..?

Sometimes, I suspect not. The WarioWare fanbase is mostly dominated by a few groups:

Wario fans, who like Wario from his previous games and like him about as much in the WarioWare series.

Ashley fans, who seem to care more for Ashley than anyone else.

Nintendo fans, who mostly seem to like 9 Volt and 18 Volt and their microgames for being a ton of retro Nintendo representation.

A spiritual successor would have none of the above for obvious reasons.
I think you might be putting maybe too much weight on the in-universe stuff?? Fact is, the first Warioware was never intended to start a franchise, and it was very well received not only by casual players, but also by t3h hardcorez. If you take out teh (relatively unimportant) charactorz, it's still very much a beloved game.

Admitelly I don't know how well a pitch like a "new game for the creators of Warioware" would go by itself, but I don't think lacking the characters is that big of an obstacle to an hypothetical spiritual successor.
Short answer...Probably.

Long Answer : Well, it depends. If it has Ashley I'm all out for donating probably 60$. If Ashley isn't in the game, I won't donate.
I think you might be putting maybe too much weight on the in-universe stuff?? Fact is, the first Warioware was never intended to start a franchise, and it was very well received not only by casual players, but also by t3h hardcorez. If you take out teh (relatively unimportant) charactorz, it's still very much a beloved game.

Admitelly I don't know how well a pitch like a "new game for the creators of Warioware" would go by itself, but I don't think lacking the characters is that big of an obstacle to an hypothetical spiritual successor.

I know this is quite old by now, but it's really interesting to note how the wario games are generally regarded as great for their gameplay. The Land or main console Ware ones do sell a lot on their own despite not having a very vocal fanbase, too, so if Nintendo made a kickstarter they'd probably just need enough publicity to gather that casual fanbase to make it work. Even as a spiritual sucessor, they would want to make sure an original project doesn't bomb and follow a similar path, right?

what i mean is it definitely wouldnt be because of the characters, because as it is they dont even get enough love to fund a game for them alone.

back to the topic if be incredibly happy if they revisited the concept or made a new one all together. either way seems to amount to a good game <:
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For me it would depend on a number of factors.
If it's a Wario Land or World type game and if it's going to be made by most of the original Wario Land creators then yes, I'd pledge a fairly high amount.
It also depends on how they'd wanna make the game. If they wanted to try something new it would have to be a solid idea and not just a gimmick that may be interesting for a moment but doesn't really add anything to the game.
If they wanted to make a sequel to Wario World they'd have to show that they're aware of the problems with the first game and that they wanna fix them.
It's generally important that they nail what made the series great in the first place and don' know, "go Smash Bros or Master of Disguise" on it.