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Now I know what the general sentiment towards the babies is but I would hope that with bringing this character up people keep in mind that this was before Nintendo really went too far with the babies. Now with that out of the way, what do you guys think of Baby Wario? He's notable for only ever appearing on Yoshi's Island DS and never appearing again. Do you think he has or had potential? How would you bring him back or would you even want to see him back? Any other thoughts?
Although not particularly happy to see the over abundance of babies in the mario kart series much less yet another new baby such as baby rosalina I could think of other spin off titles that baby wario could have appeared. Perhaps most notably in the mario golf games, as in earlier games in the series it had baby mario in it, forgot if baby luigi is but baby wario could fit there. Had it not been for baby rosalina, he could also be included in the mario kart games after all it has a ton of babies as of mk8.
Baby Wario has more potential based on the picture you used in the OP alone. Having only played the original Yoshi's island, Baby Mario played a backseat role to Yoshi and was more of a plot device than anything. All anyone ever seems to remember him for, talking to people both IRL and online, is the crying he'd do when he was captured.

Baby Wario has more potential because they're indicating that his greed has been with him since day 1...literally. He would be less of a plot device and more of an assistant to Yoshi. I think just due to the fact that Wario has a lot of personality and character to him should make him appear more in baby form. Please bear in mind I didn't even realize Baby Rosalina was a thing until I read this OP.

Now I know what the general sentiment towards the babies is but I would hope that with bringing this character up people keep in mind that this was before Nintendo really went too far with the babies. Now with that out of the way, what do you guys think of Baby Wario? He's notable for only ever appearing on Yoshi's Island DS and never appearing again. Do you think he has or had potential? How would you bring him back or would you even want to see him back? Any other thoughts?

I was pretty stoked to hear Wario was appearing in the Yoshi's Island sequel (albeit in baby form).

He looks like Baby Wario should look and he's tied with Baby Bowser for most enjoyable character.

What really makes him, though, is the magnet. He's not big or strong enough yet to rough up enemies for coins so he has a giant super-powered magnet to bring them to him. It's genius.