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DISCLAIMER: im so sorry for this

It was a monday morning, one like any other on Diamond City, and really, the whole world.

At Tomorrow Hill sat the Oinker, famous for being the main mode of transport for a certain alien, who was inside the latter, sleeping.

Suddenly Orbulon wakes up, feeling worse than ever, a deep, lingering pain in his stomach. It couldn't be the need to go to the bathroom, since he does not do that, so it could only mean one thing: Food.

"Ohhh... I reckon it is time for me to pay a visit to the Gigantic Hamburger!"

And so, with that short comment, he started up his Oinker, and took flight, straight to Gigantaburger, arriving in a matter of seconds, as he tended to fly faster when hungry.

Soon enough, Orbulon parked his wagon in the ordering place and ordered away.

"Hello earth-folk! Give all your gigantaburgers, extra picante! I hunger for a meal, so please, make it quick!" said Orbulon, his stomach speaking rather than his mind.

"yeah mate" said the rather unphased cashier, as he was used to taking orders from weirdos, and especially Orbulon.

Just like Orbulon expected, his food was delivered in a whim, and he ate it in mere seconds, just like he always does... Only to unexpectedly vomit it all out, his vomit unfortunately hitting a passerby's car windows.

"What in Andromeda... I-I'm not hungry...? Oh heavens, in that case, I must be ILL!!!" exclaimed Orbulon as he zip-zoomed straight to the clinic, ready to be diagnosed by that creepy doctor from Mega Party Games.

"So, doctor? What is my case? Is it serious? Will I pass away? WILL I HAVE TO BE AMPUTATED?!" screams the boi

"No Mr. Orbulon, it is actually much simpler than you think! You have... The gay." responded Doctor Crangus, nonchalantly.

"Hm? The gay? Is that a disease? A mental condition? I've never heard of such a thing before..." questioned Orbulon, feeling ashamed, as he has an IQ of 300 and knows about many things.

"Son, to be honest, I have no idea what exactly it is, but it means you like to lick dick." answered Doctor Cranfisco.

"Hm... Dick... That means... The pee pee, yes?" wondered Orbulon, rather childishly.

"Yeah." confirmed Doctor Strange

"AAHH! I see! In that case, it is settled! I will go on a pee pee swallowing journey throughout the entirety of Diamond City! Man, woman, child, animal, NOBODY will be safe from me, ORBULON, THE GAY!" Orbulon said, very excitedly.

"Goodbye, Doctor, and thank you for enlightening me!" thanked the boi as he hopped in his Oinker and headed off to find his potential first volunteer.

"Oi you forgot to pay me, also, you can suck my dong to start off!" desperately shouted Doctor Who, but sadly he wasn't heard by the alien, as he flew off into the sunset, eager and determined... To suck all of the dicks and CONQUER EARTH!

the end

"First, Diamond City... Next, THE WORLD!"
- Orbulon, pp inhaling extraordinaire.
DISCLAIMER: im so sorry for this

It was a monday morning, one like any other on Diamond City, and really, the whole world.

At Tomorrow Hill sat the Oinker, famous for being the main mode of transport for a certain alien, who was inside the latter, sleeping.

Suddenly Orbulon wakes up, feeling worse than ever, a deep, lingering pain in his stomach. It couldn't be the need to go to the bathroom, since he does not do that, so it could only mean one thing: Food.

"Ohhh... I reckon it is time for me to pay a visit to the Gigantic Hamburger!"

And so, with that short comment, he started up his Oinker, and took flight, straight to Gigantaburger, arriving in a matter of seconds, as he tended to fly faster when hungry.

Soon enough, Orbulon parked his wagon in the ordering place and ordered away.

"Hello earth-folk! Give all your gigantaburgers, extra picante! I hunger for a meal, so please, make it quick!" said Orbulon, his stomach speaking rather than his mind.

"yeah mate" said the rather unphased cashier, as he was used to taking orders from weirdos, and especially Orbulon.

Just like Orbulon expected, his food was delivered in a whim, and he ate it in mere seconds, just like he always does... Only to unexpectedly vomit it all out, his vomit unfortunately hitting a passerby's car windows.

"What in Andromeda... I-I'm not hungry...? Oh heavens, in that case, I must be ILL!!!" exclaimed Orbulon as he zip-zoomed straight to the clinic, ready to be diagnosed by that creepy doctor from Mega Party Games.

"So, doctor? What is my case? Is it serious? Will I pass away? WILL I HAVE TO BE AMPUTATED?!" screams the boi

"No Mr. Orbulon, it is actually much simpler than you think! You have... The gay." responded Doctor Crangus, nonchalantly.

"Hm? The gay? Is that a disease? A mental condition? I've never heard of such a thing before..." questioned Orbulon, feeling ashamed, as he has an IQ of 300 and knows about many things.

"Son, to be honest, I have no idea what exactly it is, but it means you like to lick dick." answered Doctor Cranfisco.

"Hm... Dick... That means... The pee pee, yes?" wondered Orbulon, rather childishly.

"Yeah." confirmed Doctor Strange

"AAHH! I see! In that case, it is settled! I will go on a pee pee swallowing journey throughout the entirety of Diamond City! Man, woman, child, animal, NOBODY will be safe from me, ORBULON, THE GAY!" Orbulon said, very excitedly.

"Goodbye, Doctor, and thank you for enlightening me!" thanked the boi as he hopped in his Oinker and headed off to find his potential first volunteer.

"Oi you forgot to pay me, also, you can suck my dong to start off!" desperately shouted Doctor Who, but sadly he wasn't heard by the alien, as he flew off into the sunset, eager and determined... To suck all of the dicks and CONQUER EARTH!

the end

"First, Diamond City... Next, THE WORLD!"
- Orbulon, pp inhaling extraordinaire.
HEY. He's called THE DOCTOR :gdisgruntled:

also i cant believe he caught ligma

At Tomorrow Hill sat the Oinker, famous for being the main mode of transport for a certain alien, who was inside the latter, sleeping.
Just noticed this, but it should say the former, because I don't think the certain alien was asleep inside the certain alien
HEY. He's called THE DOCTOR :gdisgruntled:

also i cant believe he caught ligma

Just noticed this, but it should say the former, because I don't think the certain alien was asleep inside the certain alien
Oh I see, apologies for the mistake there, English isn't my my first language.
What's ligma?? :SHmm:
