What do you have in common with Wario?

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  • Brilliant, But Lazy (mixed with a weird hybrid of Absent-Minded Professor and Ditzy Genius)
  • Easily pissed off by quite a lot of things (especially corporate greed, ironically enough) and generally quite cynical
  • Obsessed with Wario's iconic shoulder-charge maneuver (despite it being almost entirely useless in real life)
  • An extremely fast runner for someone that gets practically no exercise otherwise (just take a look at Wario in WL4)
  • Immensely arrogant, self-centered and hypocritical
  • Lean And Mean (basically just Fat Bastard but with the opposite body type)
  • Not entirely greedy, per se, but definitely stingy enough about money to fit the infamous Greedy Jew stereotype
  • White, American, and very proud of it (although Wario might have originally been German for all we know)
  • Prone to farting, and also occasionally a nose-picker
  • Vain yet completely uninterested in wearing fancy clothes or being generally extravagant
  • Considerably stronger than my physical build might suggest
  • Actually on a fairly strict quantity/fat/cholesterol limit when it comes to food, but when I do eat and it's something I like, man, do I devour it
  • Definite ambition in the video game and animation businesses (though I want to respect them for the art forms that they have always had so much largely untapped potential as, while Wario obviously just wants to make as much money as possible off of them for the pure, greedy sake of it)
  • Brown (blonde) hair and strong chin
  • Extremely fucked-up mixture of superiority and inferiority complexes
  • Complete lack of social skills
  • Absolutely loves a good and rewarding journey, which having to travel around absurdly huge places like San Antonio is never in shortage of
  • Manchild (although mostly just as a product of being autistic in my case)
  • Shitty parents that never really cared much about me in any way (failing to ever really teach me anything meaningful outside of academics)
  • Twisted, politically incorrect (thankfully only in the satirical sense), and often gross sense of humor
  • Big fan of Wario (overrated, yes, but still an incredibly great character by Mario standards nevertheless)
  • Often incredibly hammy whenever the need want arises, especially when it comes to laughter and stereotype impersonations
  • Creepy mustache (when it is fully grown, that is; luckily, I shave it often enough to where that never really becomes much of a problem)
  • Large eyebrows
  • Living Internet meme just waiting to go viral; also a major attention whore who (unlike Wario) has no suitable outlet
  • Lives in a large but incredibly bloated and often boring city (San Antonio in my case; Diamond City on its non-weird days for Wario)
  • Total pervert (let's face it, Wario probably doesn't have any particularly deep reasons for liking any of the girls he hangs out with)
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  • Complete lack of social skills
  • Total pervert (let's face it, Wario probably doesn't have any particularly deep reasons for liking any of the girls he hangs out with)
  • First of all: greedy. Not to the extent of the great Wah himself, but I do like my money.
  • Intelligent, but generally too lazy to put it to use.
  • A hedonistic lifestyle. (Although I consider myself to be an ethical hedonist. That is, pusuing happyness and pleasure, but also looking after other people.)
  • Driving fast. (But only when it's not dangerous.)
  • Not caring much about what other people say and think of me, and having no problems with being alone.
  • Liking classic cars from the 1950's and 60's, the cars that the Wario car is modelled after.
  • First of all: greedy. Not to the extent of the great Wah himself, but I do like my money.
  • Intelligent, but generally too lazy to put it to use.
  • A hedonistic lifestyle. (Although I consider myself to be an ethical hedonist. That is, pusuing happyness and pleasure, but also looking after other people.)
  • Driving fast. (But only when it's not dangerous.)
  • Not caring much about what other people say and think of me, and having no problems with being alone.
  • Liking classic cars from the 1950's and 60's, the cars that the Wario car is modelled after.

BTW, I also forgot to mention using huge amounts of garlic in pasta dishes; can you relate to this, by any chance? Hmm:
What do I have anything related with Wario?

Well firstly, money. Duh.
Easily angered.

More to come?
Is this "What do you have in common with Wario?" or "What do you have in common with Garfield?" because I am seeing "lazy" a lot. What exactly about Wario is lazy? Because he has bad hygiene? Having good hygiene doesn't automatically make you a hard worker. Because of how he uses his friends in WarioWare? Wario knows that while there have been successful one man dev-teams making games like Cave Story and Undertale, those are very far and few inbetween and not the most feasible way to be a financially successful game developer.
Not really a case of bad hygiene, but sometimes I don't bother to clip my fingernails in time, and I usally shave only twice a week or so. If I'm feeling good, that is.

What exactly about Wario is lazy?
He's quite active, yes, but when not hunting treasure (or food) or running WarioWare, Inc. he's as lazy as a stone.
Not that I am any better though. :)
I mean Wario is lazy, I don't see him doing much at all in the WarioWare and he hasn't been out treasure hunting properly in 11 years
Like Wario, I too enjoy the taste of cock, as well as the orgasmic feeling of Waluigi inside of me.

how is everyone? I’m new here so please be kind x x x x
Like Wario, I too enjoy the taste of cock, as well as the orgasmic feeling of Waluigi inside of me.

how is everyone? I’m new here so please be kind x x x x

love u guys!!!!!! :)
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