Anyone remember the site Neglected Mario Characters?


Treasure Collector Extraordinaire

It's no longer updated anymore, but it was one of the biggest Mario websites around in the late 90's and early 00's. Its main attraction were the sprite comics, which some say were the first ever on the Internet:
From time to time, they also made short comics:

The main premise of the site and the comics' stories were that all the other characters were tired of Mario getting the spotlight all the time and wanted to destroy him (he's often portrayed as a moron).

Over time, it even introduced its own badass OCs into them. Here's a guide to them all:
Its 'main' characters were Bill the Extra Guy (a Pidgit), Fred the Spanyard (a Bugzzy), and Dr. Donez (a Tweeter).

Some fans even made fanart of these characters:
(This same artist made full-blown hand-drawn comics of them too, but they can't be found anymore since they were hosted on Geocities)

The original author of the site, Jay Resop, disappeared without a trace sometime in 2008, and then some other guy took over for a while. Its last update was in 2011 and there has been no more since. Has anyone here ever read and checked out this site before and have any memories of it at all?
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I never actually read the comic, but I remember the first 'round of admins on mariowiki used to be obsessed with it, which lead to hilarious sheanigans when a guy signed up and pretented to be Jay Resop.

but yeah, I'm 'fraid the rich history of mario sprite comics isn't my forte. Soz.
I've heard of it, but I preferred the main Super Mario Bros HQ site to it.

Then again, I preferred a lot of sites to even that. I remember back in the day browsing an interesting video game glitch related site that seems to have vanished in thin air in the last ten years. And I remember the Odyssey of Hyrule too. That Zelda site took a fair amount of my time (mostly on testing the random things the site owner seemingly found in the game, or had reposted from some list of triforce myths...)
I have no idea. Maybe, but the site was around long before Nsider (assuming you mean the official Nintendo forums).
Yeah, I noticed that... I didn't really start using the internet until 2002ish and by then at least a few major forums were established so I hopped around them rather than finding fansites on my own or anything. Pretty sure the comic creator posted on the Mario board or something once that got popular.
Yes. I was a frequent contributor to the site, and collaborated with Jay Resop quite a bit. Sadly I was but 12 years old at the time and have long since lost contract with the man.
I wonder what ever happened to him. I don't even think that was his real name...
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Don't remeber this site, There was so many like it back in the day. Mario was pretty prevelant on the internet so most of these sites i kinda overshadowed, That's not to say mario isn't common on the internet now but but jeez he was everywhere. This site is pretty cool though.