Characters! Who do you play as?


Mental midget
Diamond City Leader
Profile Music
What it says on the tin. Who's your fav, what's your crew and what strats do you use?

My team is usually made up of the following because I am a mediocre man who does not like to be challenged:

-Ashley. Obviously I would've mained her even if she was 9-volt level of broken but her being so op makes it all the easier.
-Orbulon because he's OP.
-Pyoro, because pyo pyo pyo.

Then as the selection expands:

-Dribble because he's reasonably easy to use.
-18-Volt because I do great with him. The ingame stat trackers tells me he has my highest win/loss %.

There's no character I particularly dislike, but Penny can make some games most unenjoyable (specifically thinking of the Amazon warehouse packer boss game).
I main WAAARIO of course! Shoulder-barging my way through everything, Wario Land-style, is such a blast.

Other than him, I really like Mona and Jimmy T. for the classic Ware gang.

5-Volt is great too, especially for how she totally breaks some microgames.
I usually play as Orbulon, Wario, Ashley and Dribble. Mostly because they're all flying characters with easy to control, useful movesets.
9-Volt main here. For being the supposedly worst character, he's one of the most fun for me. (unlike kat & ana)
the other two volts are great as well
Generally, I tend to go with Wario, Ashley, Penny, Young Cricket, Dr. Crygor and Mona.
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-Penny. No questions needed.
-5-Volt because op
-Orbulon cause funky alien guy!!! funky!!!!!!
-Ashley, one cause w o t c h, other cause op. the other being ashleyware: get it ashleygether
-Lulu, because she reminds me of apples for some reason and i love apple themed characters
Wario is my 100% mainstay (the shoulder barge's return to glory on the Switch after dying on the Wii U is one of the world's greatest comeback stories), and I mostly use Young Cricket (because I'm a sucker for platforming), Ashley (always had a soft spot for the easy to use, much like Wario, except long range), and Orbulon (he's an alien in a little flying saucer with a tractor beam, come on, how can I say no to that?). I also occasionally like to use Jimmy T just because of the sound he makes when doing his...thrusts. Wooooo yooooh heeeey!
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I try to change my character selections often, but here's my go to favorites:

-Jimmy, for obvious reasons. Aside from him being my favorite character, I do find him to be legitimately fun to play as. He can be surprisingly powerful as well. He's helpful with microgames where you have to move/destroy big objects.
-Dribble because I like his cannon. It's good for pushing and shoving objects, along with grabbing items.
-Orbulon, for the same reasons everyone else has mentioned. He's the easiest character in the game, lol.
-Mike, because he's pretty simple and reliable as well. He's pretty weak though, I feel like I struggle with him whenever it's a game where you're expected to move something.
-Red, because he plays similarly to Mike (though his bombs drop, instead of Mike's notes which hit upwards). I feel like I have more success with Red then Mike for whatever reason.

I would play as Lulu more often but I find her too slow when the game gets more challenging/faster, but I like the way she plays. I used to like 5-Volt a lot but the last several times I've played her I found her kind of difficult, she's not very good for microgames where you have to act fast IMO.
Well, it tends to flip-flop because I like to play as a wide variety. But I really like to play as Penny. She just gives a fun extra challenge, plus the added bonus of being able to shoot water and extinguish fire is nice to have.