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Do you consider Walkthroughs or Guides to be a form of cheating?

  • Yes, it's not as fun or satisfying as it would be without one.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No, I find guides to be a helpful and useful tool.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only if you overuse it. but a little bit every now & then is not too bad.

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • I don't care as long as your still having fun.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Only for 100% Completion.

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters


What you see is what you get, just a guy...
Now i know Walkthroughs and Guides tend to have a somewhat messy repuation due to them being considered cheating by some. but i want to know, does anyone actually use a guide or a walkthrough? for me, yes i do. now i don't try to to use guides all the time, (Unless i'm going for 100%) but i do use them quite a bit, whatever it's trying to figure out where a location is, or trying to find a specfifc object, or if i take too long on a puzzle or sorts. Also in fighting games, just to figure out how to pull that one combo, and Unlike others, i don't typically consider Walkthroughs to be cheating, more like a Map of sorts. something that would help you on your adventure. do you need it? well no not really, but it can definitely help you a bit. So what about you, do you use any sort of walkthrough or guide when you play a game?
At most I will take a glimpse of a map if I am utterly stuck but for most exploration type or mystery type games I try to solve things on my own. I feel like some of the pleasure in those kinds of games comes from the exploration aspect and using a walkthrough sort of reduces that to just something to get through. If a map does not suffice then I still resist looking at a walkthrough and try to look up the exact part that I'm stuck on and try to see if anyone else has asked it on a website.
I once got stuck in Wario Land 3, and as I didn't have many other games to play, I looked up a walkthrough of the level as I wanted to be able to continue. And I'm glad I did.
However, nowadays I wouldn't do that. If I get stuck in a platformer, puzzler or not, I will simply play another game for a while.
I would rather use a walkthrough for beating a game to the boss than to 100% it, myself.
But Donkey Kong Country is hardly 100%'able without using a guide, so I probably won't ever complete that game.

One game that I have often used guides for is Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.
But I always try to look things up bit by bit, and not look up everything at once. As finding things out yourself is fun!
But many very important parts in the later game, are extremely obscure. You can enjoy the game without a guide and crazy wits or luck, but if you really want to play it to its max you'll need to look stuff up now and then later on in the game as else you simply won't be getting further.
I'll probably be using a guide again soon, as I triggered an important character to not do his work anymore, and I want to know how I can trigger him to get back to work, as I need him.

I am also considering asking for the location of one of the cap switches in Super Mario 64, as I can't find it.
Rarely. I only really looked up how to do certain things in Animal Crossing, such as how to grow blue flowers. It's a good thing I did because they changed how they're obtained in New Leaf and the way they're obtained is something nearly no one would figure out without being told how. Who would know that you'd have to grow orange and purple roses, use those for red roses, then use those red roses to grow blue flowers? The game hints towards being able to grow special colored flowers, but blue roses are grown in a really concealed way. To add to that, I have a lot of the red roses that supposedly grow blue roses, yet I haven't got any yet.
Otherwise, I have once or twice when stuck in a game for days. I feel dumb when I find out it was something so simple. :cry:
I dont use them, but not really cuz I think its cheating or anything. I just think it takes away from the fun of the game. I mean like, part of the fun is figuring out how to progress yourself. You know, like when you hit a tough puzzle, its great when you finally solve it, like you feel proud of yourself.

But, sometimes of course the game developers make certain puzzles too hard, and it goes from fun to frustrating, where you no longer feel motivated to finish the game. Thats when I like walkthroughs : p

So I guess, only if I need to but games are more fun without them.
I dont use them, but not really cuz I think its cheating or anything. I just think it takes away from the fun of the game. I mean like, part of the fun is figuring out how to progress yourself. You know, like when you hit a tough puzzle, its great when you finally solve it, like you feel proud of yourself.

But, sometimes of course the game developers make certain puzzles too hard, and it goes from fun to frustrating, where you no longer feel motivated to finish the game. Thats when I like walkthroughs : p

So I guess, only if I need to but games are more fun without them.
That's usually how i use Walkthroughs nowadays, i used to use the shit out of them when i was little, (I get frustrated very easily when i was little.) But nowadays it's usually either for that one treasure or puzzle that's really difficult to collect otherwise or for games like Zelda 1 where you have literally no idea on where to go.
I only use a guide if I'm really really stuck for hours on end, due to my stupidity, or if I can't guess what I missed for 100%.
For example, I played Paper Mario Color Splash, and I only used a guide to find the one and only colorless spot on that one retro level.
Haha yeah LoZ 1 would be impossible without a guide : p

And they were great back in the 90s, growing up with two brothers, we played alot of fighting/wrestling games. And I used the guides to know how to actually preform moves against them, haha : p I guess with certain games they can be more helpful than others.
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I absolutely never use them in adventure games like Zelda, no. I would rather wander around until I figure it out, and get the satisfaction of finding it on my own, even if that takes hours.

But if it's something like an MMO or strategy game I'll look up guides to more efficiently play the game, because there is usually a dominant strategy of some sort that I would absolutely never figure out on my own.
I like to stay away if i can but sometimes i need if i just can't get past something, for example i'll play zelda and beat it on my own skill but i always can never find that ONE piece of heart before the final dungeon so i'll look up a guide.