Does anyone else not like much of the modern gaming community?


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Dunno, I never liked many of todays gamers in general, nor much of the modern gaming press.

The former seems too shallow and sometimes too easily amused, and like they often have no real passion for anything in particular. The latter seems like they're just completely out of touch with actual gamers and too driven to overly authoritarian hatred of anything that isn't politically correct.

Fortunately, Wario fans always avert these issues. We're not obsessed about social justice related crap, we actually care about our favourite franchises and well, we're discussing interesting things about Wario games years after they originally came out rather than pointless posting memes on Tumblr. Awesome.

Anyone agree?
The gaming community is getting more pathetic and fucked up nowadays cause of the god damn poisonous social media.

Back then in early 2007-2008 on Youtube (or Dailymotion, which I prefer the most), people were very passionate to make videostests about their favorite game/franchise or a underrated game/franchise, giving their opinions about it, etc... It was simple, and yet its was cool, funny and everybody liked it.

Nowadays, its just all about "getting more famous", "do the same format of walkthroughs of various games so I can have more views/ getting money", "do charities so people will think you're nice and cool person", and the list goes on...
People get jealous of anyone, get enraged because they heard an opinion or something they did like which will lead to a total flamewar of insults, harassements, etc...

God knows how I want to go back in these times.
I just hope the Wario fan-base would never go through this kind of shameful phase.
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The gaming community is getting more pathetic and fucked up nowadays cause of the god damn poisonous social media.

Back then in early 2007-2008 on Youtube (or Dailymotion, which I prefer the most), people were very passionate to make videostests about their favorite game/franchise or a underrated game/franchise, giving their opinions about it, etc... It was simple, and yet its was cool, funny and everybody liked it.

Nowadays, its just all about "getting more famous", "do the same format of walkthroughs of various games so I can have more views/ getting money", "do charities so people will think you're nice and cool person", and the list goes on...
People get jealous of anyone, get enraged because they heard an opinion or something they did like which will lead to a total flamewar of insults, harassements, etc...

God knows how I want to go back in these times.
I just hope the Wario fan-base would never go through this kind of shameful phase.

I agree entirely about the damage that the constant obsession with online fame has had.

Okay, it's even worse outside of gaming (like how every news site has become a clickbait obsessed BuzzFeed ripoff trying to make it big off the most moronic internet fads known to man), but yeah, it's bad in the gaming world too. Just look at how many popular Youtubers pretty much only make videos when the game they're covering is already becoming popular or do the same old tired stuff rather than try anything new. Or all the gaming sites rehashing meaningless crap everyone already knows rather than bothering to try and think outside the box.

If you need proof of that, well, watch the number of 'Nintendo is doomed' articles keep trending upwards...

Other than that... well, the elitism irritates me as well, as ironic as that might sound. How so many of today's gaming 'celebrities' only seem interested in making a quick buck for themselves, screw everyone else. At least in the olden days it felt like people actully helped those new in the gaming world become popular, or were inclined to become friends or talk with those in said position. Now on the other hand, it seems like any popular gaming Youtuber or what not seems to have zero time to interact with anyone else who's not also some pseudo celebrity. They remind me of that guy who ran 4chan to be honest. Willing to throw his userbase under the proverbial bus to become popular with the 'cool' kids and look 'smart' or 'respectable'.

As for whether Wario will go through that phase... nah. Our fanbase is still new, and it's still small enough that anyone acting like that would become a pariah in no time. As TV Tropes says:

However, beyond a certain level of obscurity, the size of the fandom drops to a point where it can no longer support an elevated level of jackassery: if the whole fan community consists of six guys, they just stop hanging out with the guy who's a giant jerk.

The community's not big enough for a jerkass to be a asshole to everyone and yet not end up alienated from the entire community. We've just got to hope we never reach a stage where the community isn't large enough to drown out idiots yet somehow still attracts near sociopathic hipsters.

I suspect we're safe from that problem.
Nah i dont like them etheir they arent quite as …good… as the past gamers.

There's an excellent thread on NeoGaf where a mod combs through NES/SNES/32-bits eras Usenet posts. Diseased corporate worship? EAST vs WEAST? "Why do games suck so much nodaway"? It's always been there and as intolerable, the only difference being that the average litteracy level was maybe a little bit higher.

Nowadays, its just all about "getting more famous", "do the same format of walkthroughs of various games so I can have more views/ getting money", "do charities so people will think you're nice and cool person", and the list goes on...
People get jealous of anyone, get enraged because they heard an opinion or something they did like which will lead to a total flamewar of insults, harassements, etc...

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here. That hobbyists didn't produce for fame over ~passion~? That people didn't get into arguments over stupid shit before?

The former seems too shallow and sometimes too easily amused, and like they often have no real passion for anything in particular.

Mind elaboratin'? : p
I kinda don't like it when they seem to prioritize graphics over gameplay. Been trying to ignore it as of late, but it still grates on my nerves.

Yes, it doesn't look as pretty as it would on a more powerful console. So what?! You telling me a pretty game automatically equals a good game?

If it were that simple, Sonic Riders would have been amazing, not this awful game I got rid of after a bit.

Funny thing is, I consider myself easily amused and easy to please. Part of the reason I struggle to call myself an adult with a straight face even though I technically am one...
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There's an excellent thread on NeoGaf where a mod combs through NES/SNES/32-bits eras Usenet posts. Diseased corporate worship? EAST vs WEAST? "Why do games suck so much nodaway"? It's always been there and as intolerable, the only difference being that the average litteracy level was maybe a little bit higher.

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here. That hobbyists didn't produce for fame over ~passion~? That people didn't get into arguments over stupid shit before?

Mind elaboratin'? : p

Okay, quite a few hobbyists did things for fame. But not the majority. They did things because they were basically in love with a franchise and wanted to share their interests with the world, profit be damned.

Or maybe:

Contrast this to most modern day gaming sites, which seem to be about cash and fame first, personal interests last. All from a generation that has no soul.

On a similar note, I also despise how BORING most modern fans seem to be personality wise. Okay, we always have some lunatics to keep everyone entertained, but it always felt like the old school fans were often... well, as far from 'normal' as possible and all the more interesting as a result.

These were the types who would spend years reverse engineering their favourite games in an attempt to find out what every single byte did and what not. These were the types who pretty much lived and breathed Mario or Zelda or Pokemon or whatever else and considered the 'real world' as a pointless distraction.

And more interestingly, many of them were legitimately insane. For example, look at the Odyssey of Hyrule:

The site's content (as old fashioned as it is) is insane enough, but this is by someone who... to put it bluntly, is perhaps a little outside the mainstream. Half the site used to be about conspiracy theories and talk of potential revolutions in astrophysics. And other old school gaming fans were often as about insane. You had those who actually believed the games they liked were real (maybe on the astral plain) or who wanted to bring about the apocalypse with the destruction of humanity and the mundane world in the process.

Contrast this to today's gamers and writers, mostly boring young people from boring places with boring jobs in marketing or what not.

That and I hate the constant obsession with social 'issues' and feminism and what not. Dear moronic hipsters. Your university teachers were morons and their views do not reflect reality. And your obsessive internet shaming and anti gamer tactics make you come across as something out of a middle eastern dictatorship.
On a similar note, I also despise how BORING most modern fans seem to be personality wise. Okay, we always have some lunatics to keep everyone entertained, but it always felt like the old school fans were often... well, as far from 'normal' as possible and all the more interesting as a result.

These were the types who would spend years reverse engineering their favourite games in an attempt to find out what every single byte did and what not. These were the types who pretty much lived and breathed Mario or Zelda or Pokemon or whatever else and considered the 'real world' as a pointless distraction.

And that changed, how? Just a little over a year ago, we've had someone program a breakout game in Super Mario World... live, on a real console. We've got someone making a DKC fangame in the zDoom engine
We've had the grand social experient of people trying to play through the first Pokemon via twitch chat. We've got nutcases that think Midna is fucking real. We've got talented hobbyists doing excellent translations of material relating to series traditionally ignored by the usual suspects (Ever wanted to read about the experience of a Japanese guy having to localize an Hungarian console game? Probably not, but now you can!).

The daring, the breathtaking. the insane (both good and bad), it's all there, waiting to be witnessed. And if you want to read about legitimately mentally-ill people, there's plenty of venues for that : p.
With social media, opinions are spread. We can now see a world of gaming that stretches far beyond our TV. Unfortunately hearing opinions can morth one's own opinions.

I used to be soooo annoying, around a year or two ago. I complained about "Lack of innovation in Nintendo and CoD stop playing them", "People Nowdays know nothing about old games", "PC gaming is superior" and other original and insightful topics. Fortunately it's served as proof I can change, so I guess hating your past self is a good thing?? I'm more mature now thank god. Now I think "I agree that's an issue, but don't harass others over it.", "It doesn't really affect me" and "Both have advantages and disadvantages"

So I was an unlikeable goofamuffin for a while, but it goes to show the internet can change peoples opinions to less desirable ones. Maybe I have some now, hopefully I find them. Would I have gotten these without the internet in the first place? Or would I still have been as immature without it?

Opinions are everywhere. Everyone has a right to them, but you have to admit some can affect others negatively, so in my mind, some are bad. These opinions can shape the gaming community. Maybe we've gotten worse because of it. Maybe we'll mature out of it, or maybe earlier on we had just as immature opinions formed from word of mouth.

There are good opinions shared over the internet too, and it's always the vocal minority saying bad stuff with these things. The other day I saw someone on the Youtube comments who believed it's OK to say anything there because you're never gonna get rid of mean comments, like that somehow made it OK and meant there wasn't anyone over the other screen to read them. If this belief spread the gaming community, and the net in general the internet would be terrible. (The guy I used as an example was wishing cancer on someone BTW. Must be fun at parties)

Opinions can also spread through hipsters. A popular belief can sometimes cause people to believe the contrary just because. Sometimes they are genuine though. Sometimes these hipster beliefs become popular beliefs, rinse and repeat. I'm sure there were people bashing CoD because it's popular. Now bashing CoD is the popular belief, at least in my corner of the internet. Hate Cod, Love it, I don't care, but obviously on the internet everyone does and sometimes people get angry.

Is this even relevent to the topic anymore? I'm writing as I go along and I don't know if any of this is even true. It's just what I've picked up. Maybe I've even said something I'll regret later. (If I have call me out but please don't get hostile)

I'd bash SJWs for first world problems when there's stuff going on in the middle East, but complaining about SJWs is in itself a first world problem. There's a lot of FWPs actually. This thread counts, but a world in which we only talked about big problems would get really depressing. Maybe something would get done as a part of it though. hm.

OK now I'm really off-topic so I'll end my ramblings here. :)
Honestly, modern gamers don't seem much different from the older ones. Less "normal"? Humans by nature are pessimistic, unsatisfied, and selfish. If anything the modern gamer is very very normal.
You aren't alone. Usually, I will accept other console fans and so on but these days all there are is those who praise the Xbox One and PS4 like the holy grail only to just shit on Nintendo "wishing for them to die". In particular too is one idiot by the name of ReviewTechUSA.

He not only goes on to find bad things about Nintendo to complain about, but he praises more generic garbage and so on on other said consoles too. And he even says he has "no faith" and is thinking the NX will definently be a failure. Would he just stop: Yes, Nintendo can do some dumb things sometimes. But every single time he hears something, he will complain about it and bash them more.

And I remember once hearing him disrespecting Gunpei Yukoi in one video (I can't remember which). If anything, I love how people keep expecting Nintendo to die. If they go, The gaming industry is going to crash AGAIN thanks to the amount of shovelware and generic Military Shooters comming out. What happened in the 80's is happening again.

And I keep telling them: Nintendo does not WANT to compete in the console wars. What they WANT is to please their fans, give them quality games and most of all, bring fun to
everyone. Why can't people accept that?

Also remember when FPSes were good? Like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D?
Fortunately, Wario fans always avert these issues. We're not obsessed about social justice related crap

Anyone agree?

Eh, I mean... I actually am a social justice advocate, and frequently post about issues of racial/gender/sexuality/etc. inequality, because I do find those to be important issues that affect real people. But I like to think that I do it without shouting people down or being an extremist about it. And I think that's the distinction between a social justice advocate and a so-called social justice "warrior."

With that said, the opposite extreme is even worse, and gaming does have a certain vocal subset who'll baselessly bash female characters or players. I think calling that kind of behavior out is fine, as long as you don't lump all gamers together, which would just be silly.

I think I get the nuance of what you're saying, but I did want to clarify it a bit. This Wario fan says standing up for current social issues is fine, even commendable. Just make sure you don't hinder your own cause by presenting it badly.
True, as they used to say, everything in moderation. Which is a problem with the internet in general, since people with moderate views tend to be the quieter ones on it.

It brings out extremists all over the place.

But the problem I have with a lot of this 'social justice' stuff is because of just that... presenting it badly. There's currently a big fight concerning a certain individual's behaviour in the gaming community where because she opposes some movement or another, some group of journalists are saying how child abuse is not 'morally wrong'. No, sorry. I don't care who you support, but stuff like that, terrorism, murder, etc are wrong period. The kind of thinking that some groups are 'above' morality or the law is what led to a lot of scandals in the past. There are a lot of similar issues unfortunately.

And I don't think anyone out there actually agrees with those who attack female gamers or characters. I mean, some trolls and bullies might, but we're talking a tiny, tiny subset of any group. Attacking gamers in general for it (like a certain part of the media did a while back) is just pathetic, especially when it's your audience you're writing off.
Well, yeah. Even if we don't agree on every minute issue, we have to be able to discuss those differences maturely and civilly.

As I said, in my view, things like social justice/feminism/etc. are worthy causes that I'm proud to identify with. But I definitely agree that there are unpleasant, extreme, and very loud voices in our ranks who - despite not speaking for most of the movement - drown out the more moderate views. These bad examples should be called out without generalizing the entire movement.

Similarly, there are issues in the gaming community, but that doesn't mean all (or indeed, even most) gamers are responsible for it. The more extreme people are easier to notice than the vast masses of civil people, unfortunately. Here too, the bad examples should be called out without generalizing the entire fandom.

The most important thing is that we don't let labels define us or succumb to a divisive "us and them" mentality. When discussing a contentious issue, we have to remember the people we're talking to are fellow human beings, not mere opponents to strike down. Just be civil, be nice, and try to get your position across without losing sight of why you're advocating for it to begin with. That's how I try to approach things, anyway.
Aaand, Wow. ReviewTechUSA goes on to bitch some more recently... This is why I call today's gamers "spoiled".

I don't believe in the console wars but saying "Nintendo is dying and I'm pissing on their grave" while prasing the PS4 and Xbox One like the holy grail just baffles me. I can list several problems on why I decided NOT to buy those systems. And not to mention: COMPANIES DON'T NEED TO BE COMPETITIVE GOD DAMMIT. I hear this everywhere that Nintendo needs a more powerful console and "Better Grafix"..

Games are supposed to last, Look at Pac-Man World 2: It's graphics have aged but I still think they look gorgeous. But most of all: IT'S A FUN GAME.

What's the point in having about 100 CoD clones out there if they are all garbage? We are no doubt headed toward another Video Game Crash... Thanks a lot "gamers". Look what Sega did trying to compete with the Genesis Addons and whatnot: It led to their fucking downfall, okay?

Honestly, If Nintendo goes: I don't want to play video games anymore if they are just interactive movies holding your hand, requiring you to press a button every few moments... That's litterally 90% of Modern Games I tend to see now these days.
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