
Has "it." Fragile musician. Odd, means well.
Gold Crown
Gold Bracelets
Postbit Highlight (Pre-Defined)
Post Shadow
User Name Style Change

Lick if you agree!!
I had to google wtf a throwbot was, I completely forgot about those! When I was a kid I just thought they were mini Bionicles.
Nah, those are the infamous Bionicle STARs. Throwbots were literally Slizers again but lamer and all the same
actually never mind looked it up just before hitting post and apparently it's "RoboRiders" that was the sequel and Slizer is just Throwbots under another name. I find it interesting that I remember both the UK and US names for the first line but not the second whatsoever.
Guess that just further proves my point that RoboRiders are just "the same, again, but worse."
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