How did you get into the Wario series?

When I watched the Wario World commercial on TV back in 2003, it got me a little excited so I rented it and later picked it up in stores to give it a try, and I had so much fun playing it and it made me a fan of Wario and his Land/Ware games because of how strong he was in Wario World.
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I've only recently become a fan of Wario. First I was a Mario fan, then I became a huge Luigi fan, now I'm a Wario fan. I always knew about Wario in his appearance in other Mario games, but I never played games that starred only him until just now. I think loveandcake's artwork kind of got me into loving Wario for who he is as a main character, not as a character secondary to Mario. I really like the WarioWare series for it's quirky creativity and I'm now learning a lot more about his older games like Wario Land.

One reason why I'm a Wario fan and not really much a Mario fan anymore is because I have a fear of heights. The fact that a lot of Mario levels have so many precarious cliffs and platforms...It makes me uneasy to play them. I know that in Wario World there are some parts where there is some precarious platforming, but most of the time, it's all on the ground. (Or at least that's been my gaming experience so far...)

I like how Wario relies more on his strength rather than jumping to beat up enemies and overcome obstacles. I like how he's strong and heavy.... It makes him seem like, I dunno, a more grounded person? XD He just seems like he could protect people better and it would be a good idea to get on his good side. Mario and Luigi just seem like they can be blown over by the wind or something like that (Mario less so than Luigi) and it always makes me scared that they are going to fall off a cliff when I play as them. They can just jump so dang high!

I also like how Wario is more street smart than the Mario Brothers. I've always wanted to be more like that, so it's something I kind of admire and look up to. The fact that he owns a micro-game company is pretty cool. There are a lot more reasons why I like Wario now more than Mario, but I digress.
First off, I was way more into Super Mario in general before Wario franchises, although WarioWare D.I.Y. was one of my favorite (and first) DS games.

I already knew about Wario through borrowing my mom's friend's son's DS and his copy of SM64DS when I was like 6 or 7, since I didn't have my own DS at the time. However, I didn't pay Wario much attention since I only ever played as Yoshi. I wish I could remember my first thoughts on him. I vaguely remember seeing him in other Mario games and thinking he was scary. But I do remember clearly that, while I was super into WarioWare D.I.Y., I'd come up with backstories/headcanons for the WarioWare crew and make little fanfiction-esque things in the comic creator.

A bit later, I was able to play Wario Land 4 and WarioWare Inc. on Virtual Console through the 3DS ambassador program, and they were easily my favorites out of all the games they offered. But still, I wasn't so invested in Wario or the franchise as a whole, just distantly fond of it. I remember being disappointed after buying WarioWare: Snapped, though.

Fast forward to 2015-16 and all the Waluigi memes. I think to myself, "yeah, Waluigi is cool, but I grew up with Wario. Where's all the love for him?" So I do some research, pick up the games again, and here we are. I always loved anti-heroes as well as looking way too deeply into the vague facets Nintendo puts in the SMB-universe characters, so Wario was (and is!) a perfect fit for my weird tastes. I also just love his design... and voice... and... well. This isn't a thread about why we love Wario, I don't think, so I'll end it here. You get the picture.

(This story probably shows how young I am compared to most of ya'll. Whoops. :cool:)
I've only recently become a fan of Wario. First I was a Mario fan, then I became a huge Luigi fan, now I'm a Wario fan. I always knew about Wario in his appearance in other Mario games, but I never played games that starred only him until just now. I think loveandcake's artwork kind of got me into loving Wario for who he is as a main character, not as a character secondary to Mario.
Wow, are we the same person? That's almost exactly how it went for me.
I nearly forgot about loveandcake (shame on me), she was a huge factor to me loving Wario as a character, too. I always admired how she drew him with, like, you know, emotions... other than the surface-level stuff we see in the games, I mean.
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Sorry, I didn't like that you expressed no effort of getting legit games. :3 It's so much more fun! (to me, at least) Especially if you've got fitting hardware too.
Well sorry, I just didn't have the money and I'm almost not well-liked enough for money. The only way I can get legit games and their hardware is by giving people thoughts of me being a spoiled brat.
I found Wario mainly through Mario Party and Mario Kart, where he quickly grew to become my favorite character to play as along with Luigi and DK, mostly because I found him to be different and unique compared to the others. Soon I discovered the Wario Land series and played Wario Land 4 which was a blast, so much so that I'm currently replaying it, or rather, trying to finish it, hehe... I also discovered the WarioWare series, which truly got me hooked on Wario and especially the WarioWare cast! From that point on, I became a fan.
For my 7th Birthday, I got several games for my Gameboy Adv. SP. One of which was WarioWare Twisted, my grandma got it for me, I still remember not knowing how to play at first, then I accidentally twisted the system and I was like, "WOAHHHHHH". I played that game more than any other and it helped grow my love for all WarioWare games. Then I got WarioLand Shake It, and that got me hooked on the WarioLand series, such fond memories of those games!
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