Ashley Forums

Also I forgot to add that I really love your username, great choice in a username. Fun fact, my username was gonna be Ashley related at one point, but it asked for a name so I thought I just add my name and I could go for a username, but Kyon stuck with me, lol. Not complaining tho.
Okay, thanks. I choose the username because A) I liked Ashley and B) the name was taken already, so I thought what Ashley does. That's magic, so I came up with Magic Ashley, but a few minutes later I just choose what my username is now Magical Ashley. Sounds better than the last, doesn't it?

Oh, I did not know that. Thanks for shearing that fun fact, really brightened my day.
Don't gotta be sarcastic, lol. Anyways, why do you like Ashley? For me, I like her character (western version.) Fast to anger and sort of wants friends, guess she's too shy, like me. I'm shy in real life, dunno why. Also her character design is so cool, it just sticks out from the other Nintendo characters.
It was probably a few months ago, I'd say around seven. My brother and I were playing Super Smash Bros for Wii u when her assist trophy came up, for an odd reason I found her to be rather interesting. I asked my brother who she was, he told me that she was a witch from Wario games, a lonely girl with no friends because she's too shy.

I was curious about her character so I went into more research online, to my surprise she had a lot of Fan-art and other things. Like a background for the 3ds, which I might get.

Ever since then I liked her a lot, I can somewhat agree that she sticks out from other characters I have seen in some other Nintendo games. As for the other Wario character I couldn't care less about them, not to be confused with hating them. I just don't care about them. If I had to pick another character from Wario I liked it would be Red.
My favorite Wario characters (aside from Ashley and Red.) are Mona, Penny and Young cricket. I don't really care for the other characters either, but I really dislike 9-volt. a kid with a dorky yellow hat, lol.

I've known Ashley for some time now, but only in 2014 have I become a big fan. I was looking for Mario characters to draw, but for some reason it shown Ashley. At the time I had no idea who she was, but I thought to myself "She looks sort of cute..." so I saved the picture and called it "a girl from a wario game", that's how I know her in a nutshell. Because of me wanting to draw Mario characters, thank goodness for that.
I don't know who 9 volt is. I think I saw it while looking up Warioware, small kid with green glasses, yellow helmet with alarms on both sides, correct? I don't know much about his character, don't really care enough to find out either.

Good for you, you tried drawing Mario characters and found a character you like. I like her song too, very catchy. I downloaded it so I can listen to it while I'm at my grandpas house, he doesn't have any wi-fi, just an old computer that is DREADFULLY slow. Not much use going on it unless you want to open the internet and wait 5 minutes for it to open up.

So, we both like Ashley, I can probably say with out a doubt that you are the bigger fan between the both of us, so do you want to be friends? if you want, we don't have to.
Yeah, I like her song too. It's one of my favorites video game songs, I listen to all versions, remixes and more. Slow computers, OMG no no even get meh started, this computer I'm using is slow!! probably not as slow as your grandfathers but man, does it lag a lot. Can't wait to get my other computer back.

You want to officially be friends with little ol' me? oh, you're too kind. I'd love to be friends with you, Ash-wee.
I'm used to slow computers, just not that slow. The family computer here is kind of slow, so it's why I use my laptop for things like Facebook, YouTube and others.

I guess this means you are my first friend on this website, thank you I guess. It's almost time for me to get off, there is homework I have yet to finish and I got school, but I don't go to bed for some time, if you are still online we can talk some more if you'd like.
I'm not, my computer was rather fast. Sure it'll lag here and there but it was very good, I wish I knew what I have until it was gone. Hopefully it can be fixed soon. Oh wow, first friend on this website? awesome!!! Hope you can finish all your homework and still rule the world. lol. See ya, probably best to pm you while I'm add it so we don't bother the locals.