Ashley Forums

I'd wish for a thread for The Flash, but nobody here watches great shows. So with 3 other wishes, I'd wish for you people to watch the Flash.

I'd wish for a thread for Helga Pataki, but nobody here watches great shows. So with 3 other wishes, I'd wish for you people to watch Hey Arnold.
I've always wanted the power of invisibility. There's so much you could do with that. Wanna fly? Sneak onto a plane and travel anywhere for free. Wanna be fast? Ride a cheetah. Want some money? Rob a bank. The possibilities are endless.
Whoa, facultyrowreview can rhyme.

Id wish that I was the bets bass guitarist ever. Not so I could like be famous or anything, just so that I could feel like all the word Ive put into learning the instrument was really worth the effort : p
I often hear people do things on bass that I cant do as well as them, and I sometimes kinda feel jealous about it : p Makes me wish I could do it too : p
I wish I could be Ashley in her world, so I can leave this old life behind and have a new hopefully better one!

Or, I wish I could have the powers of the Flash! ROLLING AROUND AT THE SPEE- oh wait, wrong song.
You should wish to be Aika, she has a much more interesting life : p

Exploring ruins and ancient cities, stealing treasure, and being rescued by ridiculously cheesy pirates. Would be great : p
i wish i could speed up or slow down the time flow of specific objects at will. actually, scratch that. i wish i could get the benefit of a full nights rest in a short period of time.