[Interest Check] Score boards?


Mental midget
Diamond City Leader
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A big part of the WW series design is replaying things and beating your high-scores, but the games don't have a leaderboard or any centralized listing of other player's scores. Competing and sharing tips can be most entertaining, so I'm wondering: Is there any interest from the folks here in participating in a score thread? If so, I'd be willing to host some shmup.systems11-style scoretables.

Assuming there is, which microgame set/minigame do you plan on competing in?
I used to try and get good records in WarioWare Touched, so perhaps some scoreboards for that game? Like, the character microgame collections and toys?
Massive bump, since this was asked before even I joined the forums, but I do think that this would be a cool thing to do. I'd compete in any set, so I'd with the preferences of others.
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I just thought about something. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just upload our backup save data for a game and allow the Score board to update itself with the backed up save file? I think it can be possible, although we'd have to analyse the save files for each game, which is not so easy to do...
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