Is Other M really the "Sonic 06" of Metroid?


Super Plumber Enthusiast
While I haven't played it myself I will say the story is a glorious trainwreck of all kinds of stupid, But I've heard conflicting opinions about the gameplay being okay or decent... What are your experiences though?
If you take "Sonic 06" to mean "notoriously bad game", then yeah I guess

there's a pretty big differene between the two games though, and it's that Sonic 06 is *broken*. Characters use worthless placeholder attacks because they didn't have the time to code the intended ones. Features described in the manual don't appear in the game proper. Players avoid boost pads because you can't trust your character to stick to a surface. The physics, and by extension the puzzles that relies on them, are borked, etc. etc. Things like this are an unmissable part of the Sonic 2006 experience.

Other M has many questionable design choices. People didn't like the digital controls, the linearity, the pixel hunts or pointing the wiimote toward the screen to enter first-person mode. But the game works as intended.
Another thing is that Sonic games after Sonic 06 have been... rather inconsistent in quality since then. While not the fault of the game itself Sonic 06 marks a low point in a series that hasn't been able to really pick itself up again. We'll have to see if Other M will also hold that distinction or if the series can recover.
It might sound crazy, but I really liked Metroid Other M's story! I know everyone hates it, but I find enjoyable and explains Metroid Fusion's story quite well...

Anyway, the gameplay is really good, if only for a few problems I found. Runing in a 3d environment with a DPad is hard and unconfortable. I mean it works, but not as good as a joystick, of course. Also, pointing the screen with the wiimote to enable 1st person is a good idea, though it suffers from all games that have that mechanic, sometimes it takes too long to switch modes this way. I found myself in situations where I was in 1st person shooting missiles and needed to get out of the way, but I couldn't switch in time so I took unecessary damage...

Overall I think it's a really good game, but a few tweaks here and there would have made it way better.
In terms of characterization I'd say Other M is to Samus what Smash Bros. is to Wario.
A really unfortunate alternative interpretation, to put it as mildly as possible.

Whenever the game's story is brought up, everyone always talks about the authorization bullshit but no one ever talks about the fact that the game basically portrays an abusive relationship between Samus and Adam and making it seem like it's a good thing or even just an acceptable thing.

If you don't know what I'm talking about you should watch this video.