Kai's Garry's mod photos


That one person
The title is self-explanatory. Just my random photos done with Garry's mod. Recently I have started posing models
in random and funny poses. But I don't have much to show it too.

So I thought I'd also share it with my friends here at Wario Forums.

Here's my first photo!

Here we have my most recent (Done actually just a few minutes as of this post.)

I call it; Vs Goku.

Why? because it's Ashley vs Goku, I know in reality Ashley will get her a*s handed to her, but I wanted to make it regardless.

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And here's a smug looking Ashley! More to come later! I really enjoy doing this. Feel free to comment about the pictures, I'd love to hear all your thoughts.



  • 20161204235012_1.jpg
    226.6 KB · Views: 356

Ashley steals Mario's body by switching bodies!

Ashley was tired of having no friends, so why not take the body of someone who has loads of them? Mario is in real trouble, he'll need to find a way to get his body back! there's no telling what will happen if Ashley stays as Mario.

Mario has magical powers now, but doesn't know how to quite use them yet! he also can't jump high, or even call the help of his friends!
People are gonna wonder why Mario is acting weird today!

(Ashley will have to fake the Italian accent too XP)