Kyon's thoughts and opinions

Well, I didn't think somebody would give me a whole list why my opinion is wrong. For goodness' sake! Y'all goofed! Oh well! I don't really have any thoughts right now. Stay tuned! :3
Well, I didn't think somebody would give me a whole list why my opinion is wrong. For goodness' sake! Y'all goofed! Oh well! I don't really have any thoughts right now. Stay tuned! :3
I was merely defending my point and even gave you the opportunity to defend your claim, I just don't appreciate you trash talking my arguments, especially with no context.
why are you nerds arguing about the popularity of warioware characters
Was just a thought/opinion until it turned into an argument.

Well, I'm not much for defending my claims, that's why I always had Emma with me. She was very smart, she knew the right words and could find proof. Oh dear please, Arcade Bunny you better be right!
Whoa! Read the rules! Don't mix your opinions with mine. This wasn't meant for long debates. >:3

Simply put it it was meant for me to say random stuff because the status update thingy was shorten. But oh my oh my, what this thread will become! I can foresee a lot of agreements breaking out here.
You're saying that people shouldn't be posting here and giving their thoughts too? You know, have a discussion?

Isn't that the whole point of a forum?!
And it's fine that you don't want people to get hostile over it (which, far as I can tell, hasn't been a major issue in this thread thus far). However, one of the most indispensable and fundamental characteristics of a discussion is the exchange of differing views. If there is no dialogue, there is no discussion. If there can be no counterpoints, there is no way for one's points to be challenged, corrected, or refined. It's fine to express one's opinions, but in doing so, you are inviting others to have a discussion on these opinions; otherwise, you're just proclaiming your thoughts to the world, while being unwilling to consider the thoughts of others.

I would like to apologize for my mildly pretentious way of speaking. I've been studying philosophy today.
Pretty sure somebody is outside right now, it's 3 in the morning. lol. This man is walking back and forth on the streets, been doing so for about 12 minutes now. Shouldn't have opened my curtains, think he can see me now, or knows I'm awake.
Thoughts on the matter : Why is he being drunk at this hour?! lol : P

Spooky actually.
That's right, I need an opinion on this man. I'm gonna stand outside for awhile and see what he does if he sees me, maybe he needs help or is just looking for something. He's not walking like he's drunk, or probably a creep?... :3
I'm staying inside now. A car just drove by him and he started to run towards it, like what the Fu*k. He must have a problem with mini vans, haha. Thankfully we have fully locked doors and I have a bat next to me - mostly because he started to creep me out.

Maybe he's on something, should I call the police or something?
He started to walk back and forth again, he's been doing this for over 35 minutes now, or something. Feels like he been doing it from the start of time, lol. I wonder if anybody else called the cops, I think he's starting to go up to people's doors. *pulls out water gun* If I don't make it, tell Magma he okay in my books. :3

My father woke up and I told him about it, he's gonna go and try to talk to the man.

Edit : We're both gonna check, but first I'm gonna go get something just in case I need to be protected.
That was a whole lot of nothing, he wasn't even there when we got ready to go outside. Case closed, creepy guy doing god knows what and leaves. It's 4, about time to go to bed. This is like, the 3rd scary/creepy thing to happen. I thought Canada was home of the safe and nice guys! Eh?!
So I've been put to the task of making a Fan Fiction collaboration with my friend, Pichu Power. We had ideas for a stand alone story, with a character starring yours truly - Kyon! That eventually turned into my Mini fanFic series.

So I guess it's time for Transformation! Turning into characters, basically. With the use of magic or wishes! I dunno.

Ideas include

  • Wishing
  • Using said characters hat (or item) (Like in SM64 DS, where you transform into a character based on what hat you wear.)
  • accident
Anything, really! :3

Mini Fanfics return next month.
Say wahhh?! Emma! you said you would be friendly from here on out! Emma, why must you be so mean?!

I...I no know what to say.