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I like Amitie.
You heard of the greatest thief in the world, Lupin the 3rd? No?

Well, he steals for the thrill of it. He sometimes sends calling cards to those he's gonna steal from. He likes a challenge. He's usually chased by a cop named Inspector Koichi Zenigata.

He's not alone. He's accompanied by a gunslinger named Daisuke Jigen, a cool man, if a bit disliking of women (though Manga US/Animaze's dub of Cagliostro makes me wonder), and Goemon, a deadly samurai whose sword can cut almost anything.

There's also a woman named Fujiko Mine. She's the most consistent object of Lupin's affections, but she's just as likely to help him as he is to betray him. Oftentimes both. Yet Lupin often blindly trusts her.

They've gone on many, many adventures over the years, and they're still kicking now. So, where did I start?

I started with The Castle of Cagliostro, the second animated Lupin film. You may have heard of Hayao Miyazaki (My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, etc.). This was actually the first film he directed, which why I bought it. I figured it'd start and end there...but I had to look into the rest of the franchise.

So far, I've seen Cagliostro, Green Jacket, The Woman Calied Fujiko Mine, Jigen's Gravestone, Dead or Alive and Mystery of Mamo. They've all proven pretty good so far, and I know I got more to look forward to. :)

I've got Bye Bye Lady Liberty coming in the mail. I'm sure I'll enjoy that.

Now, as you've seen elsewhere, I went to Comic-Con earlier and got some commissions. They're mostly Puyo Puyo commissions, but I got some commissions related to this series. Have a look;

Lupin looks a bit less monkey-faced than usual, but he's looking good. As expected of the master thief.

Daisuke Jigen rocks that hat and smokes his cigarette. As always, he looks awesome.

Well, have you been exposed to this franchise? What are your experiences? You looking to get into it?
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Lately I've been diving into older anime, some of the ones I really have enjoyed were Devilman, Android Kikaider, Cyborg 009, Space Adventure Cobra, and a few Gundam series(Zetta, Wing, Original Mobile Suit) to name a few. I've heard of Lupin the 3rd ever since watching a ranter on yt by the name of Bigal2k6 kept talking about it. As a fan of a lot of new stuff that's going around recently there hasn't been anything that peaked my interest so I've been wondering to get into Lupin especially since there's always been this fascination now with more older series that new anime or films that show up now don't really have.

Lupin being being an expert thief being accompanied by his rag tag of group sort of reminds me of Captain Syrup and her crew which is a funny comparison to even make. Miyazaki even directed the second film that's something new to me, have definitely watched Spirited Away such a good childhood movie. No Face in it deserved much better and it was great he finally found a place to stay with the witch's kind sister.

Out of the ones you or anyone has seen what should I watch first? Cagliostro, Green Jacket, The Woman Calied Fujiko Mine, Jigen's Gravestone, Dead or Alive and Mystery of Mamo. Seems like I'll just take the list and watch it in this order perhaps. Really liking Lupin, Fujiko, and the gunslinger so far.
I started with Castle of Cagliostro, though the franchise has no real continuity, so you could start just about anywhere.

I'm just listing the order I watched. Which is to say, completely randomized. I do hear Farewell to Nostradamus isn't very good...but that's the next one I'll watch if Alcratz Connection doesn't come in the mail first.

If you want suggestions from someone more knowledgeable than myself, these two lists from big fan and sometimes-Discotek employee Reed Nelson should help.
I watched the Alcatraz Connection once it came in the mail. It was alright, boring at points, but it's always good to see Lupin and the gang doing stuff and pulling heists, and there's plenty of that. But I feel like I have nothing new to say.

Oh, and Discotek's rerelease of Voyage to Danger is up on RightStuf for pre-order, if you want it.

Of course, if you can't wait, there's always Funimation's old release, but based on what I heard and personal experiences with their Dead or Alive release, don't expect good picture quality. The rerelease will likely be a big improvement.
Love Lupin the 3rd. I've seen most episodes of the show(s), but as far the movies go I've only had the chance to watch a few. They aren't very good.

With the exception of Castle of Cagliostro. That was a great movie, Lupin or otherwise.
Besides Castle of Cagliostro, what movies did you see, if I may ask? I do hear most of the made for TV films (which make up most of the Lupin movies) are forgettable at best.

At the very least, The Alcatraz Connection, in my opinion, was a pretty forgettable one; neither good enough to be praiseworthy or bad enough to rip to shreds.
Not really sure since a lot of the films tend to be their own thing, since there's even a film starring mine fujiko.
Haven't seen this one yet but it also seems alright nothing to note on.

This also isn't a film but recently there has been a Lupin anime airing, this time it isn't a film.
It also looks neat to check out even if it isn't a film.
I've seen that one, the Woman Called Fujiko Mine. I really like it despite all the nudity. But I will say, it's very dark.

I've heard the 2015 anime was really good. Haven't watched it yet; I'm waiting for a legitimate DVD/Blu-Ray release to come to the states...which could be a while.

I know there's an English dub coming, as revealed by Richard Epcar, who had voiced Goemon, Jigen and Zenigata in various companies' dubs, as well as an ADR director for the second series dub by Geneon.

I'm sure I'll have fun.
Besides Castle of Cagliostro, what movies did you see, if I may ask? I do hear most of the made for TV films (which make up most of the Lupin movies) are forgettable at best.

At the very least, The Alcatraz Connection, in my opinion, was a pretty forgettable one; neither good enough to be praiseworthy or bad enough to rip to shreds.

The only two I really remember besides Cagliostro were Mystery of Mamo and Voyage to Danger, neither of which I was very impressed with.
I liked Mystery of Mano...though I got tired of it after the fourth time. But can you blame me when I'm watching four English dubs of the same film?

Seriously, four English dubs. One from Toho, one from Streamline Pictures, one from Manga UK and one from Geneon. All four are good in their own right, though I think I like Streamline's the most.

Voyage to Danger I can't speak for. I have Discotek's DVD/Blu-Ray pre-ordered, so I'll definitely watch it at some point.
I liked Mystery of Mano...though I got tired of it after the fourth time. But can you blame me when I'm watching four English dubs of the same film?

Seriously, four English dubs. One from Toho, one from Streamline Pictures, one from Manga UK and one from Geneon. All four are good in their own right, though I think I like Streamline's the most.

Voyage to Danger I can't speak for. I have Discotek's DVD/Blu-Ray pre-ordered, so I'll definitely watch it at some point.

Four dubs. That's commitment.

VtD is entertaining solely due to the fact that it's Lupin and Lupin is always entertaining, but it was pretty damn forgettable
I saw Voyage to Danger earlier. Pre-order came in the mail. Thoughts?

It was a fun little adventure. Certainly not the best Lupin film, but a fun one. Funimation dub is retained in the re-release, mispronounciations and all, but I like the dub enough.

Plus, the liner notes by Reed Nelson were fun to Reed. Always are, though.

I wonder when Discotek's next Lupin release will be up for pre-order? I hope it's soon.
A new Lupin film has been announced. Remember Jigen's Gravestone? Apparently, Goemon is getting similar treatment.

Not too much is known, though it continues the style shown in The Woman Called Fujiko Mine and Jigen's Gravestone. I wasn't expecting them to continue it, but I have no complaints.
For the latest Discotek Luoin release, it's Operation: Return the Treasure. My thoughts on the 2003 special?

It wasn't the best by any means, but it was an enjoyable ride. Lupin and the gang doing stuff is always fun, and the plot did have some intrigue, though I have to admit, the villains were a bit generic.

No dub, but the subtitles do the job well enough, and I could focus fine. I just prefer dubbed, silly as it sounds.

As for the special features, there isn't much besides the usual liner notes by Reed Nelson. They're fun reads, but still.

I do reccomend it, though.

As for Discotek's re-release of Red Jacket...delayed until next year, sadly.