ROM Hack: Wario Land 3: The Master Quest!

Hello. I have an issue regarding this hack. When I applied the patch I found that in the opening sequence I get stuck at the screen where the hidden figure talks to you, and it spits out a never-ending stream of nonsense Japanese and other symbols. I assumed it was anti-piracy measures on the ROM I picked, but I tested the vanilla ROM and it worked just fine. Is there anything I might've done wrong in the patching?
Hello. I have an issue regarding this hack. When I applied the patch I found that in the opening sequence I get stuck at the screen where the hidden figure talks to you, and it spits out a never-ending stream of nonsense Japanese and other symbols. I assumed it was anti-piracy measures on the ROM I picked, but I tested the vanilla ROM and it worked just fine. Is there anything I might've done wrong in the patching?
Update: I can make it work if I play in Japanese. Unfortunately I don't speak Japanese. If there's anything I can do to be able to play this hack in English I'm willing to try it. I'm on a Mac, if that changes anything.
What was the name of the rom when you downloaded it? The best ROM to use is Warioland 3 (J) (M2) [C][!].
I did try it myself and it worked. Are you using Lunar IPS to patch the ROM? If not, which one?
Also, could you provide a screenshot? I would like to see what happened! (123rd post!)
I did try it myself and it worked. Are you using Lunar IPS to patch the ROM? If not, which one?
Also, could you provide a screenshot? I would like to see what happened!
Right now I’m on my phone and am unable to provide a screenshot. But I can tell you that I didn’t use Lunar ISP to patch the ROM. I wanted to but it doesn’t look like there’s a version available for Mac OS’s. I believe MultiPatch was the program I used.
Oh, ok. Unfortunately, since I don't use Mac, there's really not much I can do. ohgodimsad: I would suggest trying different patchers until one patches it correctly! Good luck! :WLThumbsUp:
Here's some screenshots!

I will post more later! (Or post some of your own too!)
Already started making more changes to the hack!
Thank you! I actually saw it! :D

Edit: The prize has been increased to 20000 Coins! GreedIsGood:GreedIsGood:GreedIsGood:GreedIsGood:
The contest has been canceled on Wario Forums!
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I'm curious as to what the changes to the boss battles are (as I assume you made them harder, too). I saw in the first page that you said Octo and Jamano now kick you back to the title screen if they get you, and Doll Boy is now in Out of the Woods in place of Anonster (so I assume some of the other bosses have been moved around, too).
I have one question though:
Has anyone figured out where the chest items for each level are stored in the ROM? I want to swap the green treasure for E3 Castle of Illusions with the blue treasure for E6 The East Crater.

Update! AaronDobbe, the creator of the Wario Land 3 Randomizer told me where the treasures are located! Thank you so much! The treasure swap has been applied to the hack, (among a few random skull tiles added here and there) and after ANOTHER 100% completion playthrough, (I only did it a few days ago, in less than 2 days, WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF!?) I will release a new update on November 1st! (I do not want to release twice on the same month!)
Edit: I changed my mind, it is STILL going to be December! I will post it on December 1st!

Edit: The prize has been increased to 20000 Coins! GreedIsGood:GreedIsGood:GreedIsGood:GreedIsGood:
The contest has been canceled on Wario Forums!
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Anyone who may be curious about the skull tiles,
the skull tiles are a manifestaion of Rudy’s evil magic. When Rudy took control of the world, he corrupted the music box by putting many of these skull tiles that cause death on contact. Defeating Rudy will lift the curse set upon the music box world, and the skull tiles would then disappear! (That won’t be reflected in the game, Wario has already left the music box!)
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Now I want to see someone do a Wario Land 3 fanart referencing the Death Wish title card from A Hat in Time for this, as that mode is for that game essentially what the Master Quest mod for Wario Land 3 will be like:
A Hat in Time.png

It would fit perfectly thematically, as well. You could have Rudy in the back holding the puppet strings (referencing how he used Wario as a puppet to get the Music Boxes), then Wario in the center (in the place of Hat Kid), and Wolfenboss, Shoot, Scowler/Octo and Yellow Belly/Helios on the sides just like this picture has all the bosses from A Hat in Time in it too.
I am pushing the release back to December 5th, because I will be out of town during that time! Until then, the contest will be on hold and will have a new record to beat because there have been so many changes made, so it wouldn't be fair to try to beat a record that was made in a much earlier version. The record was made in such an early and easier version, so 305 deaths cannot be reflected for the current and upcoming releases!
The prize has also been increased to 20000 coins! That is at least how many I have in the bank at the time of this writing! But look forward to release #002! It will be tough! Really tough! My new record will show how tough it is!
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If it was £10,000, I may be interested...

But seriously, 10,000 coins is a pretty neat reward for beating this game. Hope someone here manages it soon.
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