Sakurai's excuse to put no effort into Wario's trophies


Shyster Guyster
Diamond City Insider
Can you believe this?
Yeah, according to Sakurai the reason why the WarioWare and Rhythm Heaven trohpies are just 2D images is because "they were displayed flat in their original games".
Yeah, I call bullshit on that.

The characters were not "displayed flat", IT WAS A 2D GAME!
This is not like Paper Mario where every character is a sprite in a 3D environment or Parappa the Rapper where they are also all flat.
They were just drawings!
By that logic all the megaman trophies should be flat as well since they were also sprites in their original games.

This is the dumbest excuse I've ever heard. What do y'all think?
A better excuse would have been to focus on the gameplay. It might not be the greatest excuse, but I believe the gameplay is what most people buy a game for, so it makes sense most of the effort would go into that.
A better excuse would have been to focus on the gameplay. It might not be the greatest excuse, but I believe the gameplay is what most people buy a game for, so it makes sense most of the effort would go into that.
That doesn't make much sense either.
The reason Wario's trophies are so much worse than everyone else's is because they were focusing on gameplay? That doesn't explain why they specifically neglected Wario, while everyone else got awesome new trophies.
Depressingly, Sakurai's point is true of many of the other trophies in the games. They don't seem to actually make them unique any more, just rip them from whatever game has a model or two handy. The result is that WarioWare (and other series with few 3D models) get screwed like this, and popular series like Mario end up only having stuff from recent games featured, because Sakurai and co can't be assed to make unique models of anything from before the Gamecube/Wii era.

God I miss Melee's style of trophies...
Are there even any references to Mario Land 1 or 2?
I was expecting to see some in the 3DS version since they claimed it would focus on handheld games... but apparently that was BS...