[Fan Content] Share "This song but it sounds like a Wario stage" type remixes here!

A Wario-fied version of a MIDI I got off the 'official' vgmusic database (as opposed to New-Files), embellished with a harmony and an arpeggiated Square, as well as this particularly neat Reverb Echo setting I discovered that gives a neat and more full sound for most of the channels.

Also, you may find (as I did) that the original track from BtG sounds a lot different than this. It'd been a really long time since I heard GBA BtG's Ko-Wahi, let alone any of its music. But uhhhh it sounds a lot more techno than this, where it sounds more chill-out than anything else.

HA. Chill. Cold.
Have a bonus image I made like two/three years ago, when I was cring(ier) but was still kinda funny.


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Anybody got some high quality Wario soundfonts for me to work with? Perhaps I could scrounge something up myself for you guys... Or I could just use Famitracker I suppose...
Anybody got some high quality Wario soundfonts for me to work with? Perhaps I could scrounge something up myself for you guys... Or I could just use Famitracker I suppose...

I guess I'll get back to going through that Twisted soundfont and giving it the same treatment I gave Wario Land 4 (look at my signature).

Edit: Or, I would, if Polyphone 2.0's beta wasn't such a piece of shit. How are you going to suddenly miss two vital components of your being able to run after the first time opening? Edit #2: Downloaded Polyphone 2.0.1. Working fine. HOWEVeR. WHY the FUCK does Twisted need SO GODDAMN MANY ofthe SAME INSTRUMENT :warioanger: Edit #3: Three Soundbanks complete. Only forty more to go:wurgh:
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@CaptainSyrup fuckin' UhhHh here's a remix of a previous remix -- Waatural Killer Cyborg. It uses what little I had for Twisted inb4 Polyphone fucking imploded

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Another track from BIONICLE Heroes GBA, this time the run 'n gun stage from Zaktan's world;
"Up in the Trees," for The Green Belt.
Ko-Waahi, from just plain Bionicle the Game. This MIDI I made myself, though.


  • Turaga_Cr1tikal_says_get_goin_2.mp3
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~The sound of WaAaAaAa grows louder, then quieter, as Kopwaaka desperately attempts to outrun his flaming clothing.~
Listen up y'all.
SpongeBob's g I need your input-- which of these two versions sounds better? You may think to yourself that they sound the same-- at first glance. The second version (Air Waalenge) features those extra Bass Organs being used to give the strings some more oomph, and have a bit of variation as the song progresses. The 1st version (Waaktan's Temple) doesn't have that Borgan Oomph, but it still sounds nice. I'm prrrrooobably going with the 2nd version when it comes to uploading to SoundCloud. Then, if it turns out more people prefer Waaktan over Waalenge, I'll maybe update the file when I get Pro.
Expect my output to slow down a bit from here, because School's back. Due to the nature of it, though, you may see me still having enough time to continue throwing these at you. I mean, I might as well, considering I still seem to be the only one doing so.


  • Air Waalenge.mp3
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  • WAAktan's Temple.mp3
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Listen up y'all.
SpongeBob's g I need your input-- which of these two versions sounds better? You may think to yourself that they sound the same-- at first glance. The second version (Air Waalenge) features those extra Bass Organs being used to give the strings some more oomph, and have a bit of variation as the song progresses. The 1st version (Waaktan's Temple) doesn't have that Borgan Oomph, but it still sounds nice. I'm prrrrooobably going with the 2nd version when it comes to uploading to SoundCloud. Then, if it turns out more people prefer Waaktan over Waalenge, I'll maybe update the file when I get Pro.
Expect my output to slow down a bit from here, because School's back. Due to the nature of it, though, you may see me still having enough time to continue throwing these at you. I mean, I might as well, considering I still seem to be the only one doing so.

I would say the second version is a bit better, so if I were you, I'd use that version.
Excellent work, by the way. Both of them sound very professional.

"This project has been sitting in my files since before I graduated High School, but today I finally got around to finishing it (if only as a means of procrastinating, and also it was practically finished when I lost interest initially so I should've done it before now regardless)."

To elaborate on that "procrastination" angle: they expect me to pay $249 for this "Reason 10" program, and it is dog shit. So, I'm stuck with not having any idea of how to work (the demo version of) this trash heap and resenting my ancient teacher for making me-- yes, I actually PMed him and asked him if I could use FL6 instead, and he said 'he wouldn't be able to repost my submissions with corrections' that way... even though I wouldn't be able to open them anyway-- use a program that faithfully recreates how bullshit analog mixing setups apparently are. I actually have to plug virtual wires into virtual holes on a virtual rack. It is literally, literally, the dictionary definition of ridiculous.

I'm supposed to learn how to make MIDIs using this program but not only is it the opposite of user-friendly, its MIDI maker/piano roll type deal is a good three times worse than FL's. It's almost as bad as the MIDI editor I had on my last laptop before re-installing FL on there.
Faffing about with my Zaktan midi and this one version sounded like one of the 'Return' themes from Shake It


  • On your way Zakk.mp3
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ca'kohh, ca'kohh, ca'kohh

this midi ain't mine, btw. Metal Mario's actual melody line is a bit too all over the place and shit for my taste, too much trouble to attempt. but I mean it sounds cool when you're listening to it? Also, I just remembered, the transcriber's got Wario in his username. How neat

Update: added in another mp3, this time for the regular tempo+pitch of the song. I dunno man, I was tired.

Update #2:


  • meta waa.mp3
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  • Jetta Crystal.mp3
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