Ashley Forums

King Hehehe

Kingpin of Coinage
BigMagma mentioned earlier that we should have a favicon, and made this image, depicting Wario Land's map sprite with Wario Land 2's colors. Inspired by this, I briefly threw together this image, which I made of Wario's trademark W emblem, using colors from his Wario Land 4 sprite. Maybe it could be one of these, or maybe something else? Honestly, I think we just should have one in general.
Besides, I think we all know who the best president would be.
Why did this place never have one in the first place? Also would it be hard to add one? Like, do you have to code it in there and what not? or go to a page admins can go and just upload and save?

because if it were that easy why not add one a long time ago? Didn't have the time? too lazy? didn't know what favicon to use?
So many questions left unanswered.

If you do have to code it in or something like that I see why it hasn't been added. I'd be lazy too if I had to do coding.
Well, there's 16 votes on a forum with over 200 users (and only, like, 20 active ones, but still). The poll could turn around if more people vote.
Lol, I love that gif, Kyon!! So fitting.

I really loved both favicons, but I didn't realize how well King Hehehe's matches the WarioWare site theme until now. Looks pretty great!

Oh, and BigMagma's right - transparency would be very nice.
Ahem the version in my previous post has trasparency as well as an alternate one with a different shade of blue. Also, the poll should probably close at some point.
Oh, so it does. Didn't even notice. So, I'll probably end the poll sometime soon when I decide to exert effort toward something. Seems like there's an existent majority, however small that actually is.
Perhaps let it run for a bit longer just for good measure even though it's fairly certain yours is more popular than mine.