So what’s up with Penny's absence from Get It Together?

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What you see is what you get, just a guy...
So yesterday, we just received the first look of the next WarioWare entry,
WarioWare Get It Together. However, there is noticeably something kind of glaring in the trailer, gameplay footage and the key artwork.




Now as we can see, most of the main characters are here and well-accounted for in these cases...except for one.
That one being Dr Crygor’s Granddaughter.

Penny Crygor.

Out of the main cast, she is the only one who appears to be absent entirely in Get It Together!
She doesn’t appear in any of the art, the trailer or the gameplay footage we’ve seen so far. She is just absent entirely. Now WarioWare characters have a tendency to come and go, but given Penny has been a mainstay since Smooth Moves, her absence is quite jarring and surprising.

So what is the deal exactly? Why would Penny be so glaringly absent when everyone else is here and accounted for.

A couple of possibilities.

  1. She is in the game, playable and everything, we just hadn't seen her yet. - Now this isn't an entirely unrealistic scenerio. After all, Gold didn't show off everyone either and only showed off a few characters early on. At the same time however, considering literally everyone else is here and accounted for, it would be kind of weird for Penny to be absent from the artwork and trailers entirely and yet, be playable and what not.
  2. She is in the game, but she's not a major player this time. - This to me feels like the most realistic/likely scenerio. After all, it's not like main characters haven't been demoted to smaller roles before (Orbulon and Dribble & Spitz in Touched, Dr Crygor in D.I.Y.). So for Penny to have a smaller/more limited presence compared to before certainly isn't impossible.
  3. She isn’t in the game and/or is no longer part of the cast. - This is perhaps the worst case scenario and would suck if indeed that is the case. Unforunately, given her glaring absence, it wouldn't be surprising to me if this was the case.
  4. She's hidden due to plot importance? - Now this is easily the least realistic of the scenerios, given Penny has never been that important, but I mean, there's always the possiblity that they're intentionally hiding her due to plot and what not. Not the first time devs have hidden stuff out of not wanting to spoil plot and what not. Even WarioWare Gold has largely hidden Lulu's presence until the game was closer to release. So it's not completely impossible. Even then, I am aware that this is incredibly unrealistic and is likely not at all the case.
Either way though, while not a big deal in the larger picture, her absence is still slightly strange. I know she isn't quite on par with the others in terms of status, but she has still cemented herself as being part of the main group since Smooth Moves and it's rather strange to have her be absent from the group, despite her status as a mainstay by this point.

Anyways, what do you think is the case with Penny? Do you think she'll have some presence or has she gone the way of Thang.

tch this thread possibly age poorly as we get more info. Lol.

And this thread has aged poorly, just as I predicted. Lol.
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She could just be hosting some side mode or something. Maybe she just takes part in the story of Crygor's level or something? I'm sure they'll explain it when it comes.
13-Amp doesn't appear in any of the key promo art but she shows up in 9-volt's microgames intro so I'm not worried about Penny.
It would seriously be a shame if she isn't playable, which is likely since she is not on the box art, and yet Lulu is. There is 9 to the left of Wario but 8 to the right, she would fit perfectly!
Theory: since the game descriptions mention something about a game bug, maybe Penny was coding something (a new invention?) and it accidentally releases a bug that affects the whole company?
Oh hey, what'cha look at that. This thread has officially aged like milk. Lol
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And look who we have here. From a leaked video

Anyhow, I think it's time to lock this thread up, this thread has no purpose anymore now that Penny's fate is revealed, so i would like this thread to get locked up please.
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