Some weird glitches i encountered

The 3rd Wario Brother

Worlds greatest treasure hunter.
Diamond City Insider
So i was playing WLSML3 and i found some glitches recently.
1. In the final level when you have to fight an armoured duck to get access to the next room. I was using the jet hat and was slightly above the ground and i got stuck in side the enemy with neither of us doing damage and i had to reset the game.
2. In the first train level in parsley woods when the train first started moving i missed the first jump horribly and i landed on the edge of the train but instead of dying i quicklt zoomed to the right and the screen went all over the place akin the Sonic 3 & Knuckles teleport glitch but with alot of slow down and i appeared at the end of the level as small Wario but the sprite was upside after going in the door i returned to normal (could not replicate this for some reason.