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s'yeah, what are y'all thoughts on this game?

I'm pretty happy they decided to do a straightforward sequel to SF64 after a decade-and-a-half of middling experiments (even if I would've more than accepted an ace combat/rogue squadron style of flight combat game), but there's definitely some aspects that worry me a bit.

1: The drone gameplay looks... kinda boring? Picking up and dropping boxes is not exactly the kind of white-knuckle mechanic I think of when I think of Star Fox.

2: I don't mind being able to aim weapon independantly, but why on the gamepad? What does that do that the Wiimote + Nunchuck would do, and much better?

But whatever. I'm cautiously optimistic this will be at the very least a reasonably entertaining gaem. It probably won't equal SF64, but I don't need it to.
Another thing we've noticed is that there are no Smart Bombs so far. Hopefully, they're in the final build.

Remember when Super Mario 3D World looked so bland until one month before release? They should do the same for this later on.
I heard someone on the Treehouse stream outright said "there are no smart bombs".

Speaking of the grafix: When I heard the game had a cockpit view on the Gamepad, I got kinda dissapointed because I expected something like:




Not... this


I understand not having a cockpit view for the rail shooters because it would be a massive disadvantage (star fox 64 had a proper cockpit and while Neat, it was completely useless), but it would've been fun for the all-ranges sections. Oh well~
found a source:

Miyamoto says. "With Star Fox, what I wanted to achieve was having players actually aim at things themselves. It was very important to me, and I'm happy to see that even beginners are able to aim at things and shoot them. The biggest thing this time is that there are no bombs this time. You have to aim."

Sounds pretty definitive to me!
By the way, anyone worried that this game may end up being a bit rushed? Last year, it barely began development. What could they hope to accomplish in such a short time frame, and with two more months to go?
By the way, anyone worried that this game may end up being a bit rushed? Last year, it barely began development. What could they hope to accomplish in such a short time frame, and with two more months to go?

I remember at last year E3's, the game was shown behind closed doors and every journos that attented said it was basically a bunch of assets from Star Fox 64 3D cobbled together.

I'm still confident Zero will be a decent game I'll enjoy playing, but man, the latest screenies aren't flaterring at all.
Can't say I'm surprised. At this point I can't deny the game looked rough around the edges.

Works for me too since it means I can ask for Mario Maker as my christmas present instead hur hur hur
With this gone this has gotta be Nintendo's weakest holiday season in a while. They have no big system seller. The biggest game they've got coming out is Xenoblade but that is already out in Japan. Xenoblade isn't even that big in the first place.
With this gone this has gotta be Nintendo's weakest holiday season in a while. They have no big system seller. The biggest game they've got coming out is Xenoblade but that is already out in Japan. Xenoblade isn't even that big in the first place.
Xenoblade was never big, as RPGs are generally niche. Don't let Shulk in Smash fool you.
I'm hoping this will be a lighthearted space shooter like the first two. From Adventures onward, the series veered into mid-2000s Sonic levels of poorly written drama. Thankfully, it looks like Zero is more in the vein of SF64, in both gameplay and tone.

Anyway, not surprised they're delaying it. Nintendo is the type of company that would rather release a polished product at launch than to have to patch a bunch of things later, and I can respect that.
I'm hoping this will be a lighthearted space shooter like the first two. From Adventures onward, the series veered into mid-2000s Sonic levels of poorly written drama.


It's refreshing to see someone else with this opinion. It doesn't surprise me there are people invested in the garbage Star Fox lores, just as it doesn't surprise me there are people who find meaning in the fluffiest and most infantile work of fictions, but, yeah.
It doesn't surprise me there are people invested in the garbage Star Fox lores, just as it doesn't surprise me there are people who find meaning in the fluffiest and most infantile work of fictions, but, yeah.

Well, yeah. One can be invested in a series' lore and still roll their eyes when it takes itself too seriously.

I think this is why I love the Mario RPGs so much. Because they can invoke very dramatic, serious, and emotional moments, but they never lose their sense of humor or self-awareness either. It balances comedy and drama very skillfully, by letting us laugh with the characters (and thus care about them) before expecting us to cry with them.
I feel the Mario RPGs are often at their worst when they try to be serious. The part before the final boss in TTYD makes me cringe pretty hard. And Super Paper Mario is a sad little game.

(Mind you, I'll take the occassional melodrama over What Sticker Star Did, tho).