Thank you so much for having drafts!

When typing a message, it's possible to save the message as a draft, and finish typing it later.
I have no idea if it's something this forum staff implemented, or if it's part of the site's engine.
But whoever did it - thank you so much for having this feature!
This is the first site where I see this feature, but it's so usefull!
There were a few times where I start typing a message, only to not have enought time to finish typing it. I just save it as draft, and type it later!
Right now, I was typing a message in another topic, and I accidently closed the tab! On any other forum I have registred before, this would mean losing the message. Here - the message is succesfully saved as draft - thank you for auto saving too! - and I can finish typing it.
It's an amazing feature, but I haven't seen it on any forum before. So, thank you for having it, it helps a lot!
What are the empireminecraft forums like?
The thing I prefer the most above this one is that it shows the raw text instead off formatted text by default. On this forum it shows the formatted text and I don't know how to change it to raw text, and it really bothers me. The EMC forums have a home page with threads featured by staff. Beneath the featured posts there are the latest five status updates, and to the side recently active threads. It's not that much different, but I especially really like the raw text. I suppose the recently active threads isn't really necessary because this forum isn't too active yet, and not that much posts are being made. If you want to take a quick look at it, here's the link.
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