Thoughts on Wario Weekly Setup so far?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
User Name Style Change
Postbit Highlight (Pre-Defined)
Gold Necklace
Gold Earrings
User Title Style Change

Has post type for games, which will then be categorised in Wario Land, WarioWare, etc seperate from the normal blog posts. These pages will also have things like release dates, box art, etc in the design.

It also has news and articles on the front page, which will eventually be sorted into categories, tags, etc, which might be displayed on the pages for the games the posts and articles are relevant to.

The site is also partly responsive, so works on medium screens, large screens and mobile/tablet/handheld games console screens alike.

So yeah, thoughts on it so far?
Err... It ins't working very well on my laptop. There is a big grey rectangle in the middle and, the text appears on the left of it and the pool on the right. There is also an weird white square above pools.
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Err... It ins't working very well on my laptop. There is a big grey rectangle in the middle and, and the text appears on the left of it and the pool on the right. There is also an weird white square above pools.

All fixed.

Turns out Internet Explorer (even the latest version) doesn't support the new html 5 main element... and when it doesn't support an element, it doesn't let you style it AT ALL without the HTML Shiv script or Modernizr. I replaced the main with a plain old div and inserted HTML 5 shiv for old IE browsers as a fix.
Well I think its one of those things that will get more refined over time. Right now the sprite banner seems like a placeholder for something better.
Well I think its one of those things that will get more refined over time. Right now the sprite banner seems like a placeholder for something better.

It's pretty much a placeholder. I am not in any sense a graphics designer (the banner on the forum was bought professionally). Unfortunately, you can't really have a site with nothing in the header.

Oh, also, only the main page is looking right. The other ones still need to be fixed.

They're fixed now.
I might work on a couple of logos and designs. Wario Weekly... Hm...

I can sort of picture Ken the Reporter from WarioWare on television giving you "All the latest Wario news!"

Maybe a News show theme would be cool. I'll whip something up.
Yeah, if you want to try something, go ahead. Logos would be acceptable more than full designs at this point though, since it's the graphics that really need work.
Looks pretty good :>

Can't wait to make those banners. ^^ Speaking of which: I could still use that template, CM30. Remember? Then I could make the Pinball Zone one.
Looks pretty good :>

Can't wait to make those banners. ^^ Speaking of which: I could still use that template, CM30. Remember? Then I could make the Pinball Zone one.

There isn't really a template to be honest. Just use the sprites to make an image of 400 pixels wide by 48 pixels high.

Although we might replace it with a banner more like the one on the forums, so eh, might be pointless now.