Wario/Warioware OC’s


Wario Fan Supreme
Hullo! I am just wondering...do you have any OC’s? Or wario OC’s or something similiar? Just wondering, since i can post some pics of my Warioware OC’s here, and you can also post some of yours aswell! Idk, i am bored and i wanted to post something fun.


Example, here is my oc Maria. I mostly draw her, since she is my main oc.
Here is a little bio i made a while back on her:


What do ya think? I might post my other OC’s aswell. But for now, i am pretty tired. So, if you have an oc and such, go ahead and post them! I would love to see them!
Hey, that looks really good! You have spent quite some time on developing a bio and personality for Maria. I would like to see your other OC's too.
I am just wondering...do you have any OC’s?

Well, I do have a character that I developed myself, but she's heavily based on an already existing character (basically a 'darker and edgier' version), and also purely conceptual, since I don't posess the ability to draw anything other than what you can draw with compasses and ruler, so I don't think she will ever truly see the light of day.
Hey, that looks really good! You have spent quite some time on developing a bio and personality for Maria. I would like to see your other OC's too.

Well, I do have a character that I developed myself, but she's heavily based on an already existing character (basically a 'darker and edgier' version), and also purely conceptual, since I don't posess the ability to draw anything other than what you can draw with compasses and ruler, so I don't think she will ever truly see the light of day.
Awe! Thank ye for saying these kind words! They really mean it! And also, interesting! I would love to see them one day.

Also, last night when i couldn’t sleep, i made this little cutie.

I was thinking that it could be kinda of the leader of the alien bunnies, and it is respected amongst them, because of their accomplishments, bravery and such. They also have more emotions than a normal space bunny and can understand and write in english. It’s name is Astrophel ( or Astro for short ), but some would call them Snowball.
Also, i mention Frankie in the bio of Maria. So, here she is:



This is Frankie. She is two years old in cat years, but acts like a tomboyish teenage girl. She is cocky, determined and bit hot-tempered, but she is also sensitive, caring and also has a femenine side and is quick to apologize if she hurts someone. When she was just a kitten, she was abandoned by her mother and she lost her tail, because of a dog attacked her. Luckily, Maria found her and gave her a new home. Frankie also learned to walk around and talk like a normal human being, but she still has that cat like personality in her blood, like she hisses when she’s mad, purrs when she gets cuddles ( she loves getting affection from people she likes ) and she is normally walking around in the nude. Why? 1. She wears clothes time to time again, but she dosen’t like wearing it all the time, since she sweats alot. 2. She’s..well, a cat. There’s really nothing to hide for her. She also sometimes works for Dribble and Spitz, like cleaning their car, helping them fixing the engine and even go out and picking up customers with them. She gotta get paid somehow, since their boss refuses to pay anything. She also has her own working outfit, which you can see up there.

She also loves space and astrology. She dreams of traveling in space and discover new planets. She is a big fan of magical girl anime series and also belives in fairies, big foot, dragons, anything from fairy tales. I can imagine that if she was in the games, her theme would be either sci-fi or fantasy. Also, she has the biggest crush on Orbulon, and for some reason really admires the little alien. Thanks to him, she can finally travel to space with him. :orbulon:

Also, i am planning to do a bio for her aswell. Here is a little preview:
Also, i mention Frankie in the bio of Maria. So, here she is:
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This is Frankie. She is two years old in cat years, but acts like a tomboyish teenage girl. She is cocky, determined and bit hot-tempered, but she is also sensitive, caring and also has a femenine side and is quick to apologize if she hurts someone. When she was just a kitten, she was abandoned by her mother and she lost her tail, because of a dog attacked her. Luckily, Maria found her and gave her a new home. Frankie also learned to walk around and talk like a normal human being, but she still has that cat like personality in her blood, like she hisses when she’s mad, purrs when she gets cuddles ( she loves getting affection from people she likes ) and she is normally walking around in the nude. Why? 1. She wears clothes time to time again, but she dosen’t like wearing it all the time, since she sweats alot. 2. She’s..well, a cat. There’s really nothing to hide for her. She also sometimes works for Dribble and Spitz, like cleaning their car, helping them fixing the engine and even go out and picking up customers with them. She gotta get paid somehow, since their boss refuses to pay anything. She also has her own working outfit, which you can see up there.

She also loves space and astrology. She dreams of traveling in space and discover new planets. She is a big fan of magical girl anime series and also belives in fairies, big foot, dragons, anything from fairy tales. I can imagine that if she was in the games, her theme would be either sci-fi or fantasy. Also, she has the biggest crush on Orbulon, and for some reason really admires the little alien. Thanks to him, she can finally travel to space with him. :orbulon:

Also, i am planning to do a bio for her aswell. Here is a little preview:
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Hey, cool! I can see where you took your inspiration from (Dribble and Spitz, am I right?) I like how she helps them with doing their day-to day job. Maybe they should've called Frankie when their cab broke down from Spitz' messing with the radio (?) in WarioWare: Twisted! (In the manual of that game, you can read that Dribble doesn't even know what a wrench is, leave alone how to put a new transmission in.)

And also, interesting! I would love to see them one day.

Thanks, but sorry, unless I take drawing classes or someone else will do the job, it won't happen. I may be using her in an alternate universe fanfic, but since I'm not really a fan of these, I don't think that will happen either.
Hey, cool! I can see where you took your inspiration from (Dribble and Spitz, am I right?) I like how she helps them with doing their day-to day job. Maybe they should've called Frankie when their cab broke down from Spitz' messing with the radio (?) in WarioWare: Twisted! (In the manual of that game, you can read that Dribble doesn't even know what a wrench is, leave alone how to put a new transmission in.)

Thanks, but sorry, unless I take drawing classes or someone else will do the job, it won't happen. I may be using her in an alternate universe fanfic, but since I'm not really a fan of these, I don't think that will happen either.

Ah, ok i see.

And also, they should probably done that! She is a inspiration of Dribble and Spitz, since they are my second fav Warioware characters, along with Orbulon! Idk why i love them so much..proably because Dribble kinda reminds me of my dad, since he works with cars and was a bus driver in his early days. And also, many of my oc's are based on diffrent types of music styles, artists, bands and such. When i created Frankie, she was mostly based on 2000's music and the band Superorganism. Hell, i imagine the lead singer of Superorganism kinda being her voice.

Also, little headcanon along with my Alien bunny oc: the alien bunnies names are based on planets, stars and space themed names. Like Neptune, Andromeda, Ophellia, Nadir, etc. Imagine the poor sap who's name is Uranus though..

Here is another of my Oc. Here is Scooter. He is Frankie’s toy that she got when she was younger. Backstory, he was actully a broken toy, since of his glitchy voice box and the string behind his back ( you pull the string to make the toy talk ) where torn apart, so he was planned to be thrown out. But Maria decided to buy him anyway, despite him being kinda broken and Frankie wanted a yellow version of this kind of toy. Yeah, he used to be yellow colored, but during the years she had him, his color started wearing off and it became brown instead. But Frankie loved him anyways.

After moving to Diamond City and Frankie accideantly breaking his arm, she goes to Ashley to ask her to fix him. She agrees, but it might take a while since she is working on a new spell, to make inaminate objects and such come to life. Frankie then got a idea and asked Ashley if she can make Scooter come to life. She asks if she is sure, since it can fail, but Frankie, the stubborn little crap she is, says she is sure. So, Ashley does this, and BEHOLD! Scooter is now alive!

He used to be more happier and chipper, espacilly when he came to life, and even tried to run away to see what the world holds. But it later changed drastically. He used to be more and more grumpier time went on and became more mature aswell. It was probably because people made fun of him and his broken voice box that would say random words as ” I LOVE YOU ” and ” YOUR MY BEST FRIEND ”, etc, humiliating him in the process. So, he removed the voice box out of anger and started acting more angrier towards people.

So yeah. He is a grumpy grump who can be kinda of a jerk, but even then, his heart can be in the right place and he does care about Frankie, Maria and those who he truly cares about, seeing himself as the responsible one, despite his size and...you know, being a toy. He also has often right and is 100% honest about his opinions, and outright hates liars. Also, remember Ashley? Well, since her magic works 40% of the time and such, she accideantly also made him way stronger than he seems and he can smell, taste and hear way better than any human and can tell if someone is lying, a horrible person or are scummy...so, he can be sometimes a threat towards people...despite being a toy.

And because Ashley is the one reviving him, he has huge respect for her and is also really good friends with Red, who he sees him as a younger brother. He is also my favorite, because i love making him really over the top and hammy, yet can be a massive sweetheart aswell, and plus, he is the easiest to draw, with or without refrence. He also has a tumblr blog on my tumblr, because i love him so much. I might link it soon.

Here is some more pics:







( by the way, this is what happends when he gets really REALLY angry..and don’t worry, it’s not blood, it’s just strawberry jam. )
Interesting concept for a character there. Part of me think it's a bit out there for a WarioWare one, but hey, it's WarioWare we're talking about, so a killer living toy isn't really that different from a dog or cat taxi driver or a karaoke singing robot.
Interesting concept for a character there. Part of me think it's a bit out there for a WarioWare one, but hey, it's WarioWare we're talking about, so a killer living toy isn't really that different from a dog or cat taxi driver or a karaoke singing robot.

I can see your point. Also, he can be pretty friendly to people he likes, espacilly towards Maria’s and Frankie’s friends. He is far from a killer toy, but he can have his moments that shows his more angrier side. Imagine a cross between Jake from Adventure time and Joseph from Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure. Me and one of my friends always joke that he is always Diamond City’s number one hero, because the stuff we come up with him, like stopping Wario from stealing their cut, trying to help the kids ( he deeply cares about children, since he is a old children’s toy ), being the most helpful character in one of our AU’s ( which is a Werecat-Apocalypse AU when a virus is around that turns the residents into werecats and Scooter among few other characters are the survivors and he is immune to the virus...cause he is a toy..) and much more. He can be dangerous when he’s mad and beat up people ( i find the thought of the Warioware Crew terrified of this tiny runt hilarious ), but in reality, he can be a massive sweetheart when he is around people he loves.
Two more OC’s!


This is Gina and Ryan, two siblings!

Ryan is a monotone teenage boy who barely emotes at all and his glasses changes color, depending on which mood he has, to help others understand how he feels. Imagine kinda like Ice Bear from We Bare Bears. Why is he like that? First, he has kinda of a problem with showing his emotions and just expects people to know already how he feels. Secondly, he sometimes has to be calm, or else he has something he likes to call ” emotional explosion ”, which is also based on something on what happend in the past. He has this kinda nerdy look and he is pretty smart when it comes to math and science, but he has a hard time with more complicated tasks. His biggest hobbies are bird watching and plush collecting. He loves birds and he can tell what species they are. His favorites are Huebirds. He also likes collecting plushies, and he dosen’t like anyone touching his plush collection. Once again, he is extremly fond of bird plushies. He is also a picky eater and hates the taste of chips, but enjoys popcorn fine. Hates spicy food and likes cold food, like cold chocolate milk, ice cream and such. He also can’t eat certain food, without either feeling sick or miserable. He is the emotional support kinda guy in the crew and would comfort the ones who is sad and would help those who are not feeling well. He also kinda has a rivalry with Orbulon, since he dosen’t like his behavior time to time. He can also be a bit akward and introverted at times.

Gina is his little sister, and she is a complete oppisite of him. She is extremly cheerful, always happy, a big eater and more. She is a big fan of Kat and Ana, and before, she dreamed of being a ninja herself, but after realising how hard it would probably be, she instead decided to make her hobby her next big dream. And what is her biggest dream? Being the best baseball player in Diamond City. She LOVES baseball and she would play it almost every day, and she would train with either her big brother, or her Monkey buddies, which she names one of them Yono. She is a really good hitter, but also a really bad thrower. But because she is a good hitter, she often accideantly hits stuff in the process whenever she is training, like flower pots, vases, other people, Orbulon’s Oinker and more. She also has a Strawberry garden which she always at, either harvesting strawberries or watering them. Half of the time, the strawberries are often rotten, but she eats them anyways, since she wants to build her immune system. She is also one of the friendliest in the crew, always willing to help other people and has a massive extroverted personality, compared to her brother’s more akward introverted personality. She always like to cheer on people she likes and whenever they are dancing at club sugar, she is always going around, cheering on people dancing. She is also one year older than Kat and Ana, and she is a bit more mature ( but not much ), and would often call people ” Miss ” and ” Mister ” alot.

Also, now your wondering: why do they look so diffrent? Easy, their mother has the same skin color as Ryan, since i imagine she looks kinda like the females from Rhythm Heaven, and their father has Gina’s skin color.

Here is a few pics of Gina and Ryan:




( Gina’s eye under her bangs )

( whithout his glasses on )


First pic i made of Ryan ( and second for Scooter ).
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Also, here are more fanart of them.


( this one is based on a AU me and a friend made, which is about the Werecat-apocalypse happening and there are group of survivors who will cure the residents and stop the werecats once and for all. Spoilers: 90% of the characters don’t survive, lol )


( this one is just a big Cardcaptor Sakura ( with badly translated japanese in it ), since i love this series, and i can imagine Frankie loving it aswell, since she does love fantasy. )



( More Werecat-Apocalypse AU drawings )


( my really bad atempt at no line artwork- )


( i did this one last year, and i was trying out taking pictures and then draw over them with characters. So, here we have my OC’s...and Fronk, sweating, since it was really hot that thay when i took this picture )


( Look, i’m sorry...I REALLY AM SORRY. I just had to, since people constally say how thicc Orbulon is. Well, at least Scooter is being a good role-model to Frankie )


( In my stupid headcanon, Ryan does smoke time to time again, but not often. Only when he’s really stressed, and of course, Gina tells him constally that he shouldn’t. )
Also, here is some previews of artwork i am gonna do.


I am doing a artwork of what Gina would have looked like in the original games and gold.


I am also planning to do a picture of my OC’s, looking like the characters in first Warioware game. Here is the first sketch, which is Maria.
Welp, here it is!


I wish i could have used thicker outlines though..here is a little thing i also did-

Yeah, i know, looks like crap.

Here is the original sketch!
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Maria has the exact same hair colour as Mona, and the style she wears it looks a bit like that of Mona's too, from Smooth Moves and DIY.

But I don't think that's a coincidence, am I right?

Probably. My bet is that her hair color got a bit more red later on, and she kinda sports Mona’s look, because..welp, i was kinda lazy when i made this, so i used Mona kinda for refrence, to make it easier. Plus, Maria’s hair color is mostly based on mine anyway and her clothing style is mostly based on Alice in Wonderland and bit of british punk, so she both has that sweet with a hint of punkness.
Welp, since i am bored, i wanna do this.
Whenever i am making a new oc or adding a few ideas or personality traits for my oc's, i mostly go to music. I listen to anything, as long it sounds good to me, like J-pop, vocaloid, rock, metal, pop, electronica, gaming soundtracks, anime soundtracks and many more. Example: Maria has a sweet, yet tomboyish style, kinda like Alice meeting punk culture. Frankie has that Y2K aesthetic with a tomboyish edge. Ryan has a kinda mellow, yet also kinda has that edge aswell. Scooter has that grumpy, tough, yet a heart of gold, so his music has that jazzy style. Gina is always happy go lucky and chipper, so it makes sense her music taste is also happy. The list goes on.

So, let's start with Maria. Again, she has kinda of a Alice in Wonderland, meeting punk. She is a shrinking violet and also has kinda of a tomboyish edge, so here is a few examples of songs and music that is based of her personality:

Gorillaz - Tomorrow comes today.
Ayumi Hamasaki - Evolution.
Misa Misa theme A.
Arrietty's song.
Serial Experiment Lain - Pulse beat.
Silent Hill 2 - Theme of Laura.
Paramore - Decode.
Splatoon 2 Off the hook music ( She is kinda based on Marina ).
Youth - Glass Animals.
Bôa - Duvet.
Alela Diane - Take us back.
The cure - Lullaby.